Final Year Projects Edward de Bono The CoRT Thinking Programme
Basic Principles Thinking is a skill that can be developed Most practical thinking takes place in the perception stage. The tools method is used to teach thinking.
Plus Minus Interesting PMI THE TREATMENT OF IDEAS Instead of just deciding whether or not you like an idea, make an effort to find the good points (P=Plus) the bad points (M=Minus) the interesting points (I=lnteresting)
Plus Minus Interesting PMI P = Plus The good things about an idea - why you like it M = Minus The bad things about an idea - why you don't like it I = Interest What you find interesting about an idea
PMI - Example Windows should be made of transparent plastic instead of glass P: They wouldn’t break as easily They would not be as dangerous when broken M: Plastic would be more expensive than glass Plastic would get scratched very easily I: Perhaps windows could be of all colours if plastic Perhaps we take it for granted that glass is best since we are used to it
PMI - Exercise Using a new technology/programming language in your final year project Time 3 mins Plus - 1 min Minus - 1 min Interesting - 1 min
Aims, Goals & Objectives AGO To introduce and emphasise the idea of purpose Focus directly and deliberately on the intention behind actions. Aim is the general direction Goal is an ultimate destination Objective is a recognisable point of achievement along the way
AGO - Exercise Final Year Project to use e-learning technology to teach archaeology to first year students in second level Time 2 mins
Consider All Factors CAF Related to Action Decision Planning Judgement Conclusion Consider the factors affecting oneself the factors affecting other people the factors affecting society in general.
First Important Priorities FIP The process of picking out the most important ideas, factors, objectives, consequences To be used in conjunction with other techniques (e.g. CAF, APC ) Purpose is to restore the balance in a deliberate manner. FIP is a judgement situation and there are no absolute answers.
CAF & FIP - Exercise How to select a final year project topic Time CAF - 4 mins FIP – 1 min
Alternatives, Possibilities & Choices APC The process of deliberately trying to find alternatives. An attempt to focus attention directly on exploring all the alternatives or choices or possibilities - beyond the obvious ones Applies not only to action but also to explanations.
APC - Exercise Your industrial supervisor becomes unavailable to you mid final year project Time 3 mins
Other Peoples Views OPV The process of looking at other people s viewpoints so that the process can be used consciously and deliberately Consider the views of all stakeholders Can be employed in conjunction with other techniques
OPV - Exercise You find the premise of your project was entirely false Time 3 mins
Consequence &Sequel C&S The process of looking ahead to see the consequences of some action, plan, decision, rule, invention C&S deals with what may happen after the decision has been made Immediate consequences Short-term (1-2 years) Medium-term (2-5 years) Long-term consequences (over 5 years).
C&S- Exercise You have no design submitted at the interim deadline Time 1.5 mins Short Term Medium Term Long Term
AGO, CAF, FIP CAF, OPV, PMI CAF, OPV, APC, PMI PMI, AGO C&S, PMI, APC, OPV Appropriate Techniques Introduction Literature Review Project Description Analysis – Quantitative & Qualitative Conclusions & Future Work Thesis Structure
Useful Links kingtools.htm m/introduction.htm