Presentation on Personal action plan for PPM&E course at IAC – Wageningen – The Netherland 09 / 02 : 27 / 02 / 04 Presented by : Mr : Tarek Mourad Fahmy CSPP / GTZ / MOA - Egypt What next !!!
Cuurent Statement MOA / AESCSPP / GTZ PESU Co-ordinator 8 M&E officer 300 EW 1560 VEW Farmer
Lessons Learnt : Circle of Influence & Control Evaluation Wheel for Facilitation Skills Element of learning organisation Conflict Management Change Management Use of ILR in training courses
Overall Objective :The MOA improved the Extension services through FFS to Cotton farmers by better Implementation for PPM&E system Results M&E Matrix for FFS designed Comittment for PPM&E from all stakeholder has been adopted Impact of Monthly staff meeting improved Facilitation skills for MT & VEW has been improved ILR in our training curriculum has been used
Stakeholder for Change Management GTZ support M&E Matrix design MOA allocate budget for refreshing trainig & staff motivation PESU support stakeholder in order to achieve their commitment for PPM&E PR assist EW & VEW to overcome the weaknesses of Facilitation skills & M&E for VEW & EW R are fully aware with PPM&E benefit F are more interested to carrey out self sustainable FFS
Constraints Lack of Budget for Refreshment training & staff motivation Sourt of resistance from some stakeholder ( before reteirment !) Changes from some stakeholder means loss of power !!! Facilitator for FFS overloaded with other duties CSPP / GTZ contribution end by December 2004
Barriers Overcoming Make use of the budget available what ever it is ??!!! Use the circle of influence and control to convince stakeholder about PPM&E Benefit Other advise from Facilitator & Participants will be highly appreciated
Activity & Timetable April, Individual Stakeholder discussion for public awaerness May, Public awaerness workshop involving all stakeholder June, Refreshment training plan & rewarding incentives proposal provide to MOA Septemper, Allocation of budget for the previouce activities October, Start of the training programe according to the plane February, Monitor & Evaluate the impact from the training
M & E Responsibiliti es Key Questions Indicators Questionnaire Brainstorming Problem tree MOA/R/F PESU-staff CSPP Experts How can we transfer our recommendatio n to farmers through improved FFS? 20% of farmers are self sustainable through FFS Training need assesment Stakeholder analysis PESU-staff CSPP Experts How can we improve our training to achieve successful FFS? 50% of EW&VEW are highly motivated Impact assesment on FFS Benefit Rich pictures Matrix Ranking PESU-Staff CSPP Experts Does farmers profit from being member of FFS? Cotton cotribution to the National income of Egypt increased
Resources What resources needed for implementation of the plane & how to get this resources ? Budget for training & rewarde incentives Budget for public awaerness workshop MT allocation to the training activities IAC learning material Design of new TC Proposal to MOA Proposal to GTZ Available Post service – Wageningen IAC Training need assesment