School Effectiveness Framework (SEF) K-12 A School Focus On Student Achievement Wednesday, December 2 nd.


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Presentation transcript:

School Effectiveness Framework (SEF) K-12 A School Focus On Student Achievement Wednesday, December 2 nd

Goals for Today Introduce the School Effectiveness Framework (SEF) Select SEF indicators to assist in SIP planning Enhance SIP Planning the SEF Use specific and varied data to inform the process Develop a specific school literacy focus Network with your TLTT

21 st Century Skills

21 st Century Skills Science Literacy, mathematical literacy, and investigation skills are critical to students’ success in all subjects of the curriculum and in all areas of their lives. The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 & 10: Science (2008, p. 39)

21 st Century Skills Mathematics Literacy skills can play an important role in student success in mathematics courses. Many of the activities and tasks students undertake in math courses involve the use of written, oral, and visual communication skills. The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 & 10: Mathematics (2008, p. 27)

21 st Century Skills Canadian & World Studies Success in Canadian and world studies courses depends in large part on strong literacy skills. Many of the activities and tasks students undertake in Canadian and world studies courses involve the use of written, oral, and visual communication skills. The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 & 10: Canadian & World Studies (2005, p. 24)

21 st Century Skills Technological Studies Literacy, mathematical literacy, and inquiry/research skills are critical to students’ success in all subjects of the curriculum and in all areas of their lives. Many of the activities and tasks that students undertake in the technological education curriculum involve the literacy skills relating to oral, written, and visual communication. The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 & 10: Technological Studies (2009, p. 38)

School Improvement Planning (SIP) EDU Ministry expectations and core priorities: (1) increase student achievement (2) close the gap (3) increase confidence in public education Sustained improvement based on aligning SIP with Board Improvement Plan (BIP) The way schools ‘do business’ has changed in response to societal changes, action research (education and learning), evidence-based decision making SIP planning has also changed in response to this changing paradigm

SEF K-12 (Draft)

7 Essential Components 26 indicators (at present)

Ministry Goal The goal for is for all Boards and all their schools to become familiar with the new K – 12 School Effectiveness Framework which provides an important lens through which schools in both panels may view their plans and progress toward improved outcomes for our students. School Achievement Division Symposium September 29 th – October 1 st, 2009

What is the K – 12 SEF? A resource that: – Supports school improvement planning; – Focuses conversations on research-based best practices; – Makes board and school improvement planning more strategic and focused; – Provides a self reflective assessment tool for school and district reviews; and – Supports a continuous process that move staff to specific actions related to student achievement goals in SIP and Board Improvement Plans (BIP).

What SEF is not… Not evaluative (not part of TPA) Specific to individuals (‘school as a unit’) A secret process A look back to see how you did A wide & narrow view A single event The end point Extra stuff to do

Evidence Based Improvement What does student work tell us about what we are doing (ie. teacher’s practice)? What does effective teaching practice look like or sound like in a school? Evidence = Indicators of Success Gap Analysis

Evidence Based Decisions

School Leadership Reaching Every Student Teachers are the #1 contributing factor to enhanced student achievement School leaders are #2 as contributors to student achievement

Students’ Attitude & Achievement Grade 9 EQAO Applied Mathematics trends Relationship between student achievement and student attitude Relationship between student achievement, student attitude and instructional practice Use of data to improvement student achievement (trend analysis) Moving towards focused and precise intervention & strategies Example – Grade 9 applied math

Student Questionnaire Grade 9 Applied Level Math Attitudes Toward Mathematics a.I like mathematics. b.I am good at mathematics. c.I understand most of the mathematics I am taught. d.The mathematics I learn now is very useful for everyday life. e.I need to keep taking mathematics for the kind of job I want after I leave school. f.Mathematics is boring. g.Mathematics is an easy subject.

Evidence Should the greater % of students who agree or strongly agree with the question: I understand most of the mathematics I am taught. You would expect scores to _________. Conversely, fewer % of students who agree or strongly agree with the question would result in _________ scores.

Trends – School 1

Trends - School 2

Trends – School 3

Trends – School 4

What did we believe occurred? A change in instructional practice shaped an increase in both student achievement and attitude toward mathematics. Hypotheses: – There is a pattern indicating that since the inception of the TIPS 4RM format ( ), applied-level EQAO results have increased substantially.

What does it looks like? In the school…In the classroom… Smaller Gr. 9 math classes (in a.m.) Experienced teachers Provide student mathematics profile for all feeder school students Use of TIPS 4RM format Use of technology to deliver TIPS 4RM Pragmatic & ’hands on’ activities Use of Think Literacy Strategy textbook search Early & frequent counseling to Grade 8 students and parents Secondary School Mathematics Professional Learning Team (PLT) Homework room support for students Students engaged, on task and interacting with teacher Use of ‘read aloud’ and think aloud’ strategies to assist in the inquiry process SMART Board delivery of TIPS 4RM Daily use of MATCH template (‘handouts’ - TIPS) that incorporate scaffolded learning and slow gradual release of responsibility Student-centered activities through the daily use of: CPS, CBR, TI-83 graphing calculators, Geometer’s Sketchpad and interactive Internet-based math games and puzzles via SMART Board

Moving Forward Personalization and Precision By focusing on student work we incorporate Personalization and Precision into the SIP process Begin with the end in mind Backward design Evidence of progress – How will you know it’s working? School alignment and moderation SEF School & District Review – (ie. GECDSB example, Provincial trend – 25% increase)

Our Mission, Beliefs and Values

Board Improvement Plan (BIP)

BIP & School Alignment LiteracyNumeracy OSSLT by June 2011 Increase % success rate of FTE students ENG 2P from 68% to 78% ENG 2L from 23% to 30% Gr. 9 EQAO Math by June 2011 Increase % success rate of MFM 1P students From 49% to 60% “The educational success and well-being of students will be the cornerstone of every decision.” (GECDSB Continuous Growth Plan)

Data Analysis Focused & Strategic Graphs - Gr. 9 EQAO & Contextual Info Increasing Focus OSSLT, EQAO, Success Rates Student Attitudes (ie. Student Voice), Teacher Survey Gender, Spec Ed, ELL What specific questions, skills and/or knowledge are students struggling with?

OSSLT Scores (WCI – 79%)

OSSLT Scores Expectations – Close the gap (51%) between Applied & Academic OSSLT scores by June 2011

Literacy Focus Making Connections

Expectations, Data, Preparedness

SIP Planning What are the greatest needs of your school? How do you know this? (ie. What data supports this? Gap analysis? Disaggregation of data?) What will be your school-wide focus? (ie. Which SEF indicator will you identify?) What types of interventions and instructional strategies will you use to support your focus? (ie. evidence-based research) What will this look like and sound like in your classrooms? (ie. Should someone walk into a classroom what will they see? Hear?) How will you know its working? Specific Focus



SEF K-12 (Draft)

Essential Components & Indicators Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Practices 1. Instructional practices reflect a continuum of knowledge and skills that are innovative and progressive 4. There is a clear emphasis on literacy and numeracy achievement. Assessment for, as and of Learning 1. A variety of valid and reliable assessment data is collected, disaggregated and used to inform planning. Interventions and Closing the Gap 2. There are shared and clearly understood processes and practices in place for monitoring, tracking and analyzing student data to improve student achievement.

Evidence (Examples) ComponentIndicatorEvidence Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Practices There is a clear emphasis on literacy and numeracy achievement. anchor charts (specific focus on explicit reading skills, developed in collaboration with students based on subject content) exemplars of writing displayed key words displayed colour-coded highlighting is practiced on a daily basis

Examples of Evidence ComponentIndicatorEvidence Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Practices There is a clear emphasis on literacy and numeracy achievement. What will this look like or sound like in your classroom? How will you know it’s working?

SIP Planning What are the greatest needs in your school? How do you know this? (ie. What data supports this? Gap analysis? Disaggregation of data?) What types of interventions and instructional What will be your school-wide focus? (ie. Which SEF indicator will you identify?) What strategies will you use to support your focus? (ie. evidence-based research) What will this look like and sound like in your classrooms? (ie. Should someone walk into a classroom what will they see? Hear?) How will you know its working? Specific Focus

Next Steps… As a school, what will you do to align your SIP with Board and Ministry goals and targets? How will feedback from the data and your students inform your instruction?