Planning for a University of Guelph Institutional Repository: DSpace Implementation Helen Salmon & Ron MacKinnon Presentation to Information Services Committee May 5, 2004 Digital UG
Agenda Institutional Repository Introduction to DSpace Easy to add/find content in DSpace Building Online Communities Q&A ISC: May 5, 2004 Digital UG
Institutional Repository… what is it? An initiative sponsored and supported by the research library community: An institutional repository (IR) is a digital collection of a university’s intellectual output. Institutional repositories centralize, preserve, and make accessible the knowledge generated by academic institutions. IRs also form part of a larger global system of repositories, which are indexed in a standardized way, and searchable using one interface, providing the foundation for a new model of scholarly publishing. Canadian Association of Research Libraries ISC: May 5, 2004 Digital UG
Institutional Repository An ecology Institution-based Scholarly & Teaching material in digital formats Institutional memory and stewardship Cumulative and perpetual Open source and interoperable ISC: May 5, 2004 Digital UG
Synergy of sharing and making visible the intellectual effort of an institution Potentially new publishing models Provides faculty & University with long-term storage of research data, publications, teaching and learning repositories … and More… ISC: May 5, 2004 Digital UG Institutional Repository
Philosophy Lots of digital material is already lost Most digital material is at risk Better to have it, do bit preservation than to lose it completely Need to capture as much information as possible to support functional preservation Cost/benefit tradeoffs ISC: May 5, 2004 Digital UG Digital Preservation
Communities Departments, Labs, Research Centers, Programs, Schools, etc. Localized policy decisions Who can contribute, access material Submission workflow Submitters, approvers, reviewers, editors Collections definition, management Communities supply metadata & discipline expertise Library supplies knowledge management expertise, guidance on Intellectual Property, metadata schema CCS supplies campus network and mass storage backup, support for some delivery applications (e-learning, portal, video streaming) ISC: May 5, 2004 Digital UG
Possible Institutional Repository Content Articles Preprints, e-prints Technical Reports Working Papers Conference Papers E-theses Audio/Video Datasets Statistical, geospatial Images Visual, scientific Teaching material Lecture notes, visualizations, simulations Digitized library collections ISC: May 5, 2004 Digital UG
Why Libraries? Expertise Large-scale collection management Assessment/collection policies preservation Metadata Solid business practices Commitment Long time frames Fits with Libraries’ mission and historical role in society and within universities ISC: May 5, 2004 Digital UG
Why the U of Guelph Library? Support from Hewlett-Packard Research intensivity at U of Guelph Role of Strategic Plan of the University and the Library in emphasizing the use of technology to support learning and research Community demand It’s the “right time” Digital UG ISC: May 5, 2004
What is DSpace? A specialized type of digital asset management or content management system: it manages and distributes digital items, made up of digital files (or “bitstreams”) and allows for the creation, indexing, and searching of associated metadata to locate and retrieve the UG ISC: May 5, 2004
DSpace: Infrastructure: Open source software developed by MIT & H-P: it’s free! Potential “LARGE” storage requirements Java application, Unix environment Built on top of open-source tools, such as: the Apache Web server Tomcat Servlet engine postgreSQL relational database UG ISC: May 5, 2004
DSpace: Open access philosophy Inter operable with other software for specific applications (e.g. journal mgmt software, image database mgmt software) Uses persistent identifiers, bitstream UG ISC: May 5, 2004
DSpace: Captures Digital research material in any formats Directly from creators (faculty, libraries, others) Large-scale, stable, managed long-term storage Describes Descriptive, technical, rights metadata Persistent identifiers Distributes Via WWW, with necessary access control Preserves Bitstream UG ISC: May 5, 2004
Who’s Working with DSpace? MIT (developed with HP) Cambridge University Columbia University Cornell University University of Toronto University of British Columbia Université de Laval University of Washington … and many other UG ISC: May 5, 2004
Easy to Use Easy to add content Easy to browse and search content Permanent identifier for your UG ISC: May 5, 2004
Submitting MIT ISC: May 5, 2004
ISC: May 5, UT
ISC: May 5, MIT
ISC: May 5, 2004
Guelph pilot projects Pathology image collection (learning objects repository) Critical Studies in Improvisation (ejournal) Other UG published scholarly reports, journals, books, etc. Digitized unique Library resources: photographs, audio recordings, manuscripts, diaries, etc. ISC: May 5, 2004 Digital UG
Principles Open access, community-built rather than centrally controlled Facilitates communities rather than controls information Complements existing scholarly publishing models, doesn’t replace Requires serious sustainable institutional commitment because it will create expectations, dependencies ISC: May 5, 2004 Digital UG
Issues: IR infrastructure planning and implementation: IT hardware, software, system Human expertise: technical (sys admin); service coordination & management Development / Governance Marketing ISC: May 5, 2004 Digital UG
Issues: Choosing metadata (keywords, descriptions) that facilitates search and retrieval but isn’t overly labour-intensive Choosing metadata appropriate to the community Updating community’s content with new research or learning objects ISC: May 5, 2004 Digital UG
For more information… Go to: (MIT) (CARL) FAQs articles on DSpace case studies, business plans policies and standards for scholarly communication, digital preservation … ISC: May 5, 2004 Digital UG