4 Bit Serial to Parallel Data Stream Converter Vinaya Anne Kristy Lypen Michael Scheel Victor Zavaleta Vinaya Anne Kristy Lypen Michael Scheel Victor Zavaleta
Design Specifications Convert a serial data stream every 4 clock cycles to a 4 bit parallel stream Operate at the positive edge of the clock Drive a 10pF load at 25MHz Minimize skew Area less than 40mil 2
Parameters D Flip-Flop Wn Caclulated = 10.4 m Wn Actual = 23.2 m Wp Caclulated = 27.6 m Wp Actual = 27.6 m Based on C Load of Output = 179f F Buffer Total Area: 1750 x 600 m Power: 400mW Stage Wp ( m)Wn ( m) One Two Three
Block Diagram Schmidt Trigger Frequency Counter SERIALSERIAL D Flip Flop D Flip Flop D Flip Flop Latch / Buffer DATADATA PARALLELPARALLEL DATADATA
Schmidt Trigger Schematic
Trip Points of Schmidt Trigger
D Flip-Flop Schematic
D Flip-Flop Propagation Delay Waveform
Schematic D Flip-Flop / Logic Circuit
Output Waveforms
Layout of Four D Flip-Flops
Buffer Schematic
Buffer Transient Response