2011 Southern Nevada Writing Project Summer Institute
Day Ten Agenda 1.Scribe Report 2.Ticket out the Door Review 3.Writing Prompt – Ruth 4.Teaching Demonstration: Kara Danielson 5.Five Lenses Demo Debrief 6.LUNCH – Response Groups 7.Technology Connections 8.Whole Group Writing Share 9.Ticket out the Door
2011 Southern Nevada Writing Project Summer Institute
If necessary, you may use as many resources necessary to better understand the supplied vocabulary words.
A Few Choice Words Empowering Students with New Vocabulary That Will Transfer into their Writing
Wondrous Words: Writers and Writing in the Elementary Classroom Katie Wood Ray
READ LIKE A WRITER 1. read like a seamstress - study the text - use post-its to note unknown, interesting, and/or creative vocabulary
2. make a list of “noticings” (10 minutes) - choose the words from the text that are most interesting to you - place your post-it or write chosen words on the outline provided write the sentence/phrase from the text that contains the word make a theory of why the author may have used this word envision using this word in your own writing and give an example if you wish you may also discuss with a peer about your new vocabulary words and why you chose them
1. choose one vocabulary word to investigate more - use any resources needed to further your understanding and definition of the word -you may interact with your peers and help each other throughout the activity 2. you may represent your findings through any of the following: - a graphic organizer of your choice - organized notes of definitions, synonyms, examples, phrases, etc. - visuals (illustrations and/or acting) 3. present your chosen activity to a partner and discuss how you might use it in your own writing
What would the assessment of vocabulary use in student writing look like? How can teachers motivate students to continually use less familiar vocabulary in their future writing pieces? What would this process look like across grade levels and/or content areas? How will other educators use these activities in their own classrooms?
2011 Southern Nevada Writing Project Summer Institute
Ticket out the Door: 1.What implications for your classroom, or your own writing do you see for the Write That I prompt from this morning? 2.Looking back over the past two weeks, what stands out for you? 3.Any burning (or smoldering) questions?