SOEE2102 – Geophysical Field Trip and Tutorials Malham Tarn (North Yorkshire) October 2009 Refraction Analysis Sebastian Rost University of Leeds 2009
Traveltime Curves
Peaceful Nuclear Explosions
Traveltime Curves
At critical distance: r = 90 i c = critical angle
Courtesy of M. Thorne (Univ. Utah) Seismic Wavefield and Seismic Raypaths
Traveltimes Direct wave: (from velocity = distance / time ) x
Refracted Wave: Snell’s Law
Different ways to express the refracted traveltime curve Intercept time
Crossover distance: T direct = T refracted X cross > 2z
Field Experiment
Shot point geometries 12 element geophone spread Possible shot point locations
Off end reverse shot
Sat On end Forward
Sat On end reverse
Traveltime picks (from Claritas)
Traveltime Curves