11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery Systems Engineering Three topics for my talk: 1. Vacuum System 2. Facilities 3. WBS.


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Presentation transcript:

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery Systems Engineering Three topics for my talk: 1. Vacuum System 2. Facilities 3. WBS

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery Systems Engineering: 1. Vacuum For detailed information see, sldnt.slac.stanford.edu/nlc/beamdeliveryhome.htm

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - Vacuum: Baseline specs zMust have: yBase Pressure 5E-8 Torr, (may change!) yLow electrical resistance ySmall aperture yUniform inner diameter z Specials: yBig Bend, absorb synchrotron radiation

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - Vacuum: Materials zMaterials to chose from: yStainless steel, low outgassing, cheap yAluminum. low outgassing, cheap yCopper, low outgassing, good heat absorber

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - Vacuum: Material comparison z Stainless steel is disqualified because of too high electrical resistance z Copper is the preferred material from an engineering stand point : yLow outgassing yGood thermal properties yLends itself well for extrusion and brazing yEasy to machine

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - Vacuum: Pressure calculations

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery, Vacuum: Pumping zNLC Beam Delivery is pumped with 30 l/s ion pumps zDistributed pumping is not necessary zBeam Delivery vacuum specifications can be maintained with lumped pumping z With an aluminum chamber the pump spacing is 1-3 m z With a copper chamber the pump spacing is m z Big Bend may need an anti-chamber to absorb synchrotron radiation

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - Vacuum: Other components zA gauge assembly every 250 m zOne RGA every 250 m zAn isolation valve every 250 m zA leak check/pump down valve every 50 m z Tunnel access every 500 m

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - Vacuum: Risks, Plans zRISKS: yLow risk - conventional technology - No show stoppers yLarge number of components, reliability is a problem yLarge area to cover, Mean Time To Repair are influenced z PLANS: yReliability analysis, [Zane Wilson] yCareful materials analysis, [Urban Cummings] yDetailed cost analysis, [Julia Weinberg] yCan the vacuum engineering be done until 2001? YES!

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery Systems Engineering: 2. Facilities For detailed information see, sldnt.slac.stanford.edu/nlc/beamdeliveryhome.htm under “NLC Beam Delivery Facilities Needs, rev 1.4”

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - Facilities: General zStarts after the post LINAC diagnostic section. Consists of: yCollimation Section yIP switch yBig Bend yFinal Focus yIP and Dumps z Total length from Linac to IP: 5,600 m z e + is a mirror image of e - z IP1 is a mirror image of IP2

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - Facilities: Tunnel zRound tunnel cross section zDiameter: 14 feet zEpoxy coated concrete floor zAccess every 500m zPS/Control electronics room at beam line level every 500m z Tunnel between elevators sub-divided by two cable penetrations, 167 m apart z IP Switch and Big Bend in one big hall, 14 m wide, 1000 m long

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - Facilities: Water Cooling, per side z86kW is dumped to air, mainly in the Big Bends z826kW is dumped in water from other magnets zTemperature tolerance on water and air, +/- 1 degree C z Collimators: Five locations per side, 100 kW per location z Single Bunch Dump, two location, 100KW z End-of-Accelerator- Dumps two locations, 8 MW per location, 1700 gpm

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - Facilities: Risks, Plans zRISKS: yNo show stoppers yTemperature stability yFull power dumps, cooling plant, radiation hazard yCollimators, radiation hazard. yIR hall, temperature stability, geological stability, vibrations z PLANS: yFind alternative locations for power supplies, etc [Clay Corvin et al.] yEngineering study - full power dumps [Dieter Walz et al.] yThermal analysis of tunnel environment yCan it be done until 2001? YES!

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery Systems Engineering: 3. Work Breakdown Structure

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - WBS: General zNLC has chosen SUCCESS from US Cost for the project WBS zNLC Project Coordination Group together with the Systems Engineers have developed a WBS tree zA Resource Breakdown Structure, (official parts list) is under development by the various engineering disciplines

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - WBS: Beam Delivery System Parameters zNLC Beam Delivery Systems parameters have been distributed to various engineering disciplines for costing: yMagnets, hardware - Andy Ringwall yPower Conversion - Tony Donaldson yVacuum hardware - Leif Eriksson yControls - Bob Fuller yConventional facilities - Clay Corvin, Xavier Sevilla

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - WBS: WBS status I zMagnet hardware is counted and cost estimated. zPower conversion hardware is counted but not cost estimated. yWork in progress: cable estimates, string configuration of magnet power supplies. z Vacuum hardware have been counted and cost estimated. yJulia Weinberg is working on a detailed cost estimate of the BD vacuum system.

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - WBS: WBS status II zControls Systems have not been counted nor cost estimated. zConventional Facilities have cost estimated the NLC Beam Delivery tunnel and adjoining facilities. z The above estimated costs have been rolled up in the official project WBS z WBS definitions down to level 5 have been written

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - WBS: Missing information, summary zPower Conversion cost estimate zControls system cost estimate zCost and specifications for diagnostic equipment z Cost and specifications for special equipment such as dumps and muon spoilers z Installation model z Cost for installation

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - WBS: Risks, Plans zRISKS: yDifficulties in defining the Beam Delivery System well enough for cost estimates. ySUCCESS is still an immature tool for the project, it needs more development z PLANS: yDefine NLC Beam Delivery for cost estimating purposes yContinue the cost estimating process with the various engineering disciplines

11/04/98Leif Eriksson NLC Beam Delivery - Engineering: BD Critical Engineering Topics: yIdentify critical BD components and their specifications ySchedule solutions - too many open-ended activities yDevelop an project engineering matrix for consistency in engineering, design and reliability analysis yDevelop a model to receive, QC and store a large number of components. yDevelop an installation model