Average properties of Southern California earthquake ground motions envelopes… G. Cua, T. Heaton Caltech
Main Points saturation of rock vs soil sites attenuation characteristics of P vs S- waves importance of station corrections
Motivation: Seismic Early Warning Q1: Given available data, what is most probable magnitude and location estimate? Q2: Given a magnitude and location estimate, what are the expected ground motions?
Full acceleration time history envelope definition– max.absolute value over 1 second window Ground motion envelope: our definition
P,S-wave envelopes – rise time, duration, constant amplitude, 2 decay parameters Noise - constant model for observed envelope Modeling ground motion envelopes
70 events 2 < M <=7.3 0 < R < 200 km 9 channels Z, EW, NS acc, vel, disp binary classfication rock - NEHRP BC, above soil - NEHRP C, below log 10 (distance in km) Magnitude Database
Functional form for M, R-dependence of ground motion amplitudes C(M) term “turns on” amplitude saturation for M > 5 Magnitude C(M) * Modified from Campbell (1981)
Main Points saturation of rock vs soil sites attenuation characteristics of P vs S- waves importance of station corrections
ROCK S-wave SOIL S-wave Scaling for small magnitudes-
Saturation of rms horizontal acceleration S-wave (rock vs soil)
Saturation is most pronounced in acceleration in close to large events Also present to some degree in velocity and displacement Rock and soil approach similar amplitude levels in close to large events Displacements are high-passed filtered AccelerationVelocity (filtered) Displacement
Main Points saturation of rock vs soil sites attenuation characteristics of P vs S-waves importance of station corrections
S-wave acceleration (ROCK) P-wave acceleration (ROCK) scaling for small magnitudes,
horizontal P-wave amplitudes saturate more than horizontal S-wave difference between P- and S-waves is more pronounced in horizontal than vertical uniquely decomposing P and S wave at close distances is problematic, particularly on horizontal Vertical P and S wave Horizontal P and S wave Something curious …
Average Rock and Soil envelopes as functions of M, R ACCELERATION
Main Points saturation of rock vs soil sites attenuation characteristics of P vs S- waves importance of station corrections
rock only = rock w/ station corr = ~21% reduction in How much do station corrections improve standard deviation? rock + soil = 0.315
Acceleration Amplification Relative to Average Rock Station
Velocity Amplification Relative to Average Rock Station
Conclusions Saturation of rock and soil sites Soil sites saturate ground motions more than rock Stronger saturation at higher frequencies Difference between rock and soil sites decreases with increasing ground motion amplitude P-waves appear to have higher degree of saturation than S-waves ? Station-specific data contributes to ~20% variance reduction
Rock versus Soil CDMG map of Preliminary Surface Geologic Material (Wald) and SCEC Phase III Report Velocity Calculator NEHRP Class Maximum Shear Wave Velocity in Upper 30 m (m/s) A (Hard Rock)1400 B (Soft Rock)724 BC686 C464 CD (Alluvium)372 D301 DE298 E (Mud) CISN ROCK Stations 120 CISN SOIL Stations Our Binary Classification
Average Rock and Soil envelopes as functions of M, R VELOCITY
Average Rock and Soil envelopes as functions of M, R (filtered) DISPLACEMENT
magnitude-dependence saturation anaelastic attenuation geometric attenuation constant S-wave
S-wave acceleration (ROCK) P-wave acceleration (ROCK)
Station Corrections Average residual at a given station relative to expected ground motion amplitude given by attenuation relationship Defined for stations with 2 or more available records Consistent with generally known station behavior PAS, PFO are typically used as hard rock reference sites SVD anomalous due to proximity to San Andreas Some “average” rock stations are: DGR, JCS, HEC, MWC, AGA, EDW