March R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota QMCS 130: Today’s Class Homework & GradesHomework & Grades Multiple DimensionsMultiple Dimensions Strings and Char ArraysStrings and Char Arrays Lab 10Lab 10
March R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota Homework and Grades The status reports list everything I’ve receivedThe status reports list everything I’ve received –Printed assignments – ed assignments I have made a complete search of my .I have made a complete search of my . If something is missing, HAND IT IN TUESDAYIf something is missing, HAND IT IN TUESDAY –INCLUDE A NOTE explaining why you are handing it in late If you ed it already, forward me the earlier If you ed it already, forward me the earlier If you honestly believe you had already handed it in, explain why you remember handing it in.If you honestly believe you had already handed it in, explain why you remember handing it in. If it’s late for some other reason, just say so, but try to be accurate and specific.If it’s late for some other reason, just say so, but try to be accurate and specific.
March R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota Multiple Dimensions Arrays with 2 or more index valuesArrays with 2 or more index values What for?What for? –Calendar: rows for months; columns for days –Simultaneous linear equations –Inventory: item#, cost, quantity, date acquired (m, d, y) 2D array: first # of rows, then # of columns2D array: first # of rows, then # of columns Initializing – first index is outermostInitializing – first index is outermost
March R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota The Calendar Array Not all months have the same number of daysNot all months have the same number of days How do we deal with that?How do we deal with that?
March R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota Character Arrays Let’s build one and print it outLet’s build one and print it out Let’s add a ‘0’ byte at the endLet’s add a ‘0’ byte at the end
March R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota Lab 10 Will involve functions and lab 9Will involve functions and lab 9 Goal: rewrite Lab 9 to provide individual functions to calculate min, max, sum, and average.Goal: rewrite Lab 9 to provide individual functions to calculate min, max, sum, and average. Hint: you’ll want separate loops to calculate most results in lab 9.Hint: you’ll want separate loops to calculate most results in lab 9.
March R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota Creative Commons License This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit sa/3.0/us/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.