Proudly sponsored by
Our Sherwood Ridge, Media team worked extremely hard to finish their work in time for the event. Our contribution to the making of the cart included writing sponsorship letters to various companies and a wide range of classes within our school. We also contributed in the design of the cart and the making of this fabulous power point.
The construction group would have to be one of the most helpful group in the Ridge Racers. They made the cart what it is today. Our construction group also helped to paint the cart and they brought in materials for the cart. Our group worked tirelessly and put lots of effort into the pushcart.
Our rider and drivers group exercised every day of the week. They did various exercises such as sit ups, hill sprints and relays. They also studies various types of safety such as road safety and personal safety.
Our marketing group contributed to the cart by choosing our sponsors electing our team colours, making our motto and choosing our all important team name the Ridge Racers.
Sponsorship and Community support played a major role in the making of our cart. Without the help and support of these two major factors our cart wouldn’t be what it is today.
In the making of our cart we used many recyclable materials such as a seatbelt from an old car, old pram and bike wheels, reusable wood for the base, and an old footrest from a bike. As oppose to welding things together we taped things together such as the handles so the metal would go to waste. Out of the whole cart everything is 100% recyclable even the paint was recycled.
Thanks for tuning in. You will now see us when we win. Bye!