Object Oriented Design
Goal Homework #3 support Q & A
Sequence of conditions matters! Agents evaluate conditions from top to bottom. If all conditions are true rule “fires” by executing all actions from top to bottom. If a condition fails other conditions following it in the same rule will NOT be checked any longer Example 1: onceEvery (), percentChance () Example 2: see (), key ().
This and that Cars heading left and right versus roads with indicators Use of depiction masks Naming: avoid class specific names, e.g, “kill_frog” -> “kill” Use depiction attributes instead of classes Frog class + deadFrog class => Frog with “alive” and “dead” depiction What is connectivity u Example: roads
Semantics Confusion about avoidance versus tracking Frogger: frogs hop onto logs they do not avoid logs
How to… Make & control multiple counters u Example: Fractris A continuous laser Complex but passive background u Space invaders for cell phones
:Laser Recursive Sequence Diagrams : SpaceShip :Laser Key(space) Player fires laser new(below, laser) extend() [empty(below)] New (below, laser)