Building a Coordinated Public Transit – Human Service Transportation Plan: Atchison, Brown, Doniphan, Jackson, Jefferson and Nemaha Counties Welcome! “You.


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Presentation transcript:

Building a Coordinated Public Transit – Human Service Transportation Plan: Atchison, Brown, Doniphan, Jackson, Jefferson and Nemaha Counties Welcome! “You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” -Dr. Seuss

Hosts for Today’s Summit n Coordinated Transit District 3 n Kansas Department of Transportation –Stacey Dove –John Rosacker n Facilitators – KU Transportation Center –Pat Weaver –Christy Lane

Recalibrating our thinking for the day…. Please mentally take yourself to that tranquil spot where you do your best thinking.

Purpose of Today’s Summit n Develop a plan to improve coordination of public and human service transportation in our part of the state. n Focus on priorities for the next 1-3 years.

Summit Objectives n Learn about transportation services in our area. n Learn more about our customers and the needs of others in our communities from one another: –Local and state agencies, both transportation and human service –Local leadership –Citizens n Develop priorities and an action plan for transportation. n Strengthen relationships among all the partners. n Identify new partners.

“Ground Rules” for Summit Participation 1.Balance talking and listening 2.Suspend preconceived ideas about the “way things have to be” 3.Help Summit to stay on schedule/task 4.Fully disclose what’s important to you – especially if it’s different from that of others 5.No acronyms 6.Ask questions, offer comments, raise issues, etc, but please…no speeches!

We will use CONSENSUS Consensus is… n any alternative action determined by all members to be superior to status quo (pure) OR n an alternative action that all members can live with. (modified)

Northeast Kansas Summit HEADLINE NEWS Along with your name and affiliation, please write one current “headline” that informs the partners at your table about something that’s happening in your agency/organization’s “world”. Remember: A good headline is no more than 10 words or so. Here’s one: 2007 Kansas Legislature doubles CTD 3 budget for public transportation!

Describing Our Communities: A Citizen Profile What are the significant demographic characteristics of our six counties?

Six Counties of CTD 3: Atchison, Brown, Doniphan, Jackson, Jefferson and Nemaha

Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Low Income Persons Total population 77,943 Elderly ,750 (16.4%) Adults 18+ below poverty 5,128 (6.8%) Elderly 65+ below poverty 1,339 (10.5%) Persons with a disability 16+ 4,065 (5.2%) 0-car households 1,599 (5.4%)

Density per square mile/census tract

Minority Populations in Northeast Kansas Total Population77,943 African American 1,675 (2.1%) Native American/ Alaska Native 2,066 (2.7%) Asian/Pacific Islander 249 (.3%) Hispanic 1,557 (2.0%)

Density per square mile/census tract

Citizen Expectations in Northeast Kansas n What do you think most citizens expect from transportation services?

Meeting community expectations for transportation: How well are we doing? 1.What do we generally do well in transportation for citizens in our area? 2.What do we need to do better for transportation for citizens in our area?

62 Federal Programs fund transportation services in U.S. n Funding generally “flows” from Federal agencies, to state agencies to local provider agencies. n Executive Order #13330 issued in February 2004 directed Federal departments & agencies to work together. n SAFETEA-LU (federal funding for transportation) required that agencies receiving funds must have a coordinated public transit-human service transportation plan. n Purpose to ensure that transportation services are seamless, comprehensive and accessible.

Why do we need to plan for coordinated services?

State Governors & Cabinet Secretaries Federal Agencies & Grant $ Education Labor Employment Training Agency Office of Disability Employment Policy Centers for Independent Living Disability Rehab and Research Rehabilitation Services Administration Office of Special Education Programs Substance Abuse Mental Health Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Family Assistance HHS Medicare & Medicaid Svcs Aging Health Resources & Services Community Services Child Care Bureau Development Disabilities Medicaid Program Head Start Soc. Services Block Grant Children & Families Transportation Service Chart Transportation Office of the Secretary National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Federal Transit Administration Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy Departmental Office of Civil Rights Faith Based Transit Area Agency on Aging Medical Transit Provider Head Start Office of the Secretary Assistant Secretary Planning Evaluation Special Ed Transportation Rural Transit Operators Private Paratransit Private Taxi ADA Paratransit Transit Pass Elderly & Disability Program Job Access Reverse Commute Program Rural Grant Program Urbanized Grant Program Local Transportation Authority Disability Service Provider Family Employment Shopping Independence Recreation Education Local Government Health Care ?? ?

In Northeast Kansas we have a number of service and funding networks… n Transportation’s Coordinated Transit District 3 n Tribal Governments n Aging’s Planning and Service Area n SRS Service Access Points n Commerce’s Workforce Development Centers n Community Developmental Disability Organizations (CDDO’s) n Community Mental Health Centers n Centers for Independent Living n And many more…

Coordination of transportation services can help improve mobility. United We Ride is a federal, state, and local partnership to improve delivery of transportation services to all people.

Towards a coordinated human service transportation network n Today we are focusing on how our counties, tribal governments and region operate. n How we can improve access to services through better transportation in our area. n Planning is facilitated by a “Framework for Action.”

Framework for Action: Six key elements n Making things happen by leadership and partnership n Taking stock of needs and moving forward n Putting customers first n Adapting funding for greater mobility n Technology moves coordination to next level n Moving people efficiently

Northeast Kansas Coordinated Public Transit-Human Service Transportation Plan Step 1:Conduct an Inventory Step 2: Assess Transportation Needs (Gaps) Step 3:Identify Strategies to Address Gaps (Prioritize) Step 4: Develop Coordination Actions Final: Implement the Plan

Action Plan n Transportation Vision for Northeast Kansas. n Goals identified from the “Framework for Action” and “What do we need to do better?” n month time frame n Objectives and Action steps as the key elements to carrying out the plan: what, how, when, and by whom??

Developing the Action Plan: Small group assignment 1.Does the Action Plan move us forward toward proposed vision? 2.What strategies does your group recommend? 3.What additional resources, including human resources, are needed to effectively implement the Action Plan?

Small group assignment: additional directions n Discuss and seek consensus on your group’s response to all 3 questions. n Report back your group’s three highest priority recommendations to the Action Plan (question 2) n Record your 3 recommendations (question 2) on flip chart paper in large, legible writing. n Verbally report group’s consensus on questions 1 and 3.

Before We Adjourn…. 1.What was accomplished (or not accomplished) today? 2.What new information do we take away from the Summit? 3.What follow-up action is required and who is responsible?

For more information n Kansas United We Ride website – n Contact Pat Weaver –