exchange student program
updated :15 utc today's menu lwear your nametag lgreet your TAs lreview course schedule lattend Yuka's talk lwatch slideshow
updated :15 utc course schedule (1) l wed[124] and thu1 lYuka gives a talk on her exchange student experience l wed[124] and thu1 lYoshia gives a talk on his overseas experiences lwe do sushi conversations
updated :15 utc course schedule (2) l wed[124] and thu1 lfinal exam (assignment 6 points, exam 4 points) lwritten review of what you should know lno conversations lyou must take the final lif you miss the final, then see me for an interview lno final and no interview? you fail don't let that happen!
updated :15 utc exchange student program lhttp:// click on 北大生の留学情報 lthe international student center is just south of the north library, only 2 minutes from this classroom
updated :15 utc
ask questions lduring the talk lthink of questions lask short questions "what's that in the picture?" lafter the talk lask longer questions "would you like to go again?"
updated :15 utc take notes ldesign your shortcuts lfor goh lG means goh's comments lQ means goh's questions
updated :15 utc Yuka's talk lYuka's year in Hawaii
updated :15 utc after a talk lask questions lclap lwalk up to the speaker lsay "thank you", "good talk" lshake hands if you can lgo have coffee and snacks lgrab chances to become friends
updated :15 utc glexa assignment lgive your thoughts on Hokudai's exchange student program lprepare for next week's sushi conversations
updated :15 utc slideshow lif there's time
updated :15 utc one-stop website l llink to glexa lcourse material (these slides) lcontact form
updated :15 utc aloha!