1 Pertemuan 12 Software Protection Matakuliah:A0334/Pengendalian Lingkungan Online Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/1.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Pertemuan 12 Software Protection Matakuliah:A0334/Pengendalian Lingkungan Online Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/1

2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat menyatakan Software Protection

3 Outline Materi Electronic Licensing

4 Electronic licensing is a great example of fulfilling big business demands by using simple, scalable systems; it cuts across a broad range of vertical markets, from chip developers to car manufacturers, from petrochemical companies to games developers. In essence, electronic licensing creates and enforces a simple business ethic: you get what you pay for.

5 Business users of software face a wide range of potential dangers in their use of software. Companies are liable for the actions of their employees, from sending unsuitable s through to using illegal companies of software (such as ten people using an application for which the company only purchased a licence for five).

6 An early, and still popular, method is the use of a hardware key or ‘dongle’.

7 To provide a user-friendly licence enforcing system may at first appear to be something of a paradox. It is important to remember that any mechanism designed to ensure that users comply with licence terms, which can also supply authenticated usage data,must ensure that it is genuinely easy to use.

8 Faced with these compelling arguments, the first decision faces by developers looking to incorporate electronic licensing is to determine whether they will generate this solution using internal sources. This can detract from core expertise and prove costly in terms of labour and reliance upon staffing shifts. By using a stable third- party supplier, developers can utilise existing expertise and retain their focus on their core product.

9 Software asset management audit tools for networked software applications can be used to analyse log files and provides companies using networked software a true measure of cost and usage accountability. Usage data enables accountability by allowing companies to analyse where software costs should be allocated, based on who used what and for how long. Peak and sustained demand can also be analysed and licence requirements adjusted accordingly in partnership with the vendor.

10 Through its evolution as a commercial technology, electronic licensing no longer simply offers business a means to limit the number of users of an application; it can be used to support access to a range of add-on feature sets and modules; it can enable timed trials and subscription-based pricing schedules. Electronic licensing can also be used to support ‘pay-as-you-go’ software use, by setting pricing policies in line with the data recorded within the network log file.

11 The End