Book in context The ten-year jubilee seminar of the Finnish Book Historical Society Helsinki 1-2 November 2007
Book history Who, when, why, what, where and what was the result?Who, when, why, what, where and what was the result? manuscript AND printed booksmanuscript AND printed books transmission of written culturetransmission of written culture Cassiodorus, Institutiones: Tot enim vulnera Satanas accipit, quot antiquarius Domini verba describitCassiodorus, Institutiones: Tot enim vulnera Satanas accipit, quot antiquarius Domini verba describit
Prophet Ezra writing Codex Amiatinus from Wearmouth- Jarrow, a copy of a Vivarium ms. (Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Amiat. 1, f. Vr)
Ludwig Traube ( ): centenary of death history = discipline, philology = methodhistory = discipline, philology = method excellent knowledge of source languages requiredexcellent knowledge of source languages required a global approach to the study of manuscripts: the material aspects of the volumes, history of libraries, history of transmission, history of book productiona global approach to the study of manuscripts: the material aspects of the volumes, history of libraries, history of transmission, history of book production
The Finnish Book Historical Society founded in 1997 as Kirjan museon ystävät (Friends of the Museum of the Book)founded in 1997 as Kirjan museon ystävät (Friends of the Museum of the Book) book history from Antiquity to the modern agebook history from Antiquity to the modern age book historical seminars since 2003book historical seminars since 2003
Books in transition Academy of Finland project Academy of Finland project case studies: the impact of the book on an individual level in periods of cultural change (eleventh- eighteenth centuries)9 case studies: the impact of the book on an individual level in periods of cultural change (eleventh- eighteenth centuries) from Italy through England to the Empire and Scandinaviafrom Italy through England to the Empire and Scandinavia Cooperation with the Book historical societyCooperation with the Book historical society Web site site Kick-off!Kick-off!