EDFS 201 SEPTEMBER 23, 2004
Agenda Reminders Current issues Threaded discussions—you can submit as a group. Please let me know your group members. Discussion of Chapter 2. this is a critical chapter and please make sure you have a good grasp of the major ideas View the video
Diversity What is diversity? How is it defined here in the united states? Why is it important to understand diversity?
Culture What is culture? What are the characteristics of culture? What is enculturation? Who are the dominant or mainstream cultures?
Cultural identity What is cultural identity? What determines it? Relationships of an individual’s group membership to the dominant culture has a great impact or influence on how individuals perceive themselves and are perceived by others.
Diversity and Education What questions does it raise? These are questions about equity in society and schools. Translation of the reality of diversity leads to multiple translations of curriculum realities.
Assimilation—What is it? How do schools facilitate assimilation? Have you given up some of your culture? What is acculturation?
Cultural Pluralism What is cultural pluralism Does it exist in the united states (according to the text?) Why or why not?
Class matters— How does class influence the educational experiences that offered to the learner? How does it influence your teaching or how you view students? How does poverty determine educational experiences?
Ethnicity/Race How does ethnicity and race influence the educational experiences that a child gets? Ethnic diversity (figure 2.4) Immigration laws: Who can migrate/immigrate
Gender How is gender a part of multiculturalism? What is gender? What are the major differences between men and women? Are they biological or sociological?
How does language influence one’s educational opportunities? What is dialectical diversity? Who are exceptional learners and why are they part of “another” culture? What does the IDEA ACT guarantee? Why was it enacted? What is inclusion What is full inclusion What is mainstreaming
Religion How does religion influence how we see the world? How does it influence how we teach?
Regionalism How does regionalism influence educational opportunities –Urban –Rural –suburban