University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 110/26/2004©USC-CSE Welcome and Overview: COCOMO / SCM #19 Forum and Workshops Barry Boehm, USC-CSE October 26, 2004
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 210/26/2004©USC-CSE Outline USC-CSE Highlights, 2004 USC-CSE Affiliates and Calendar Workshop Topics and Agenda
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 310/26/2004©USC-CSE USC-CSE Highlights, 2004 New Affiliate: EASE (Japan) February 2004: Hosting of ICCBSS (COTS) Conference May/June 2004: Lead ROI article in Software December 2003, May 2004: Lead articles in CrossTalk August 2004: Hosting of Empirical Software Engineering Week Future Combat Systems: Adoption, elaboration of Win Win Spiral Model for both software and systems engineering High Dependability Computing: Successful technology maturity/adoption speedup via SCRover robot testbed MSCS-SE Program recognized as leader in educating students for non-outsourcable careers.
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 410/26/2004©USC-CSE Commercial Industry (12) –Daimler Chrysler, Galorath, Group Systems.Com, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Cost Xpert Group, Microsoft, Motorola, Price Systems, Softstar Systems, Sun Aerospace Industry (7) –BAE Systems, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman(2), Raytheon, SAIC Government (8) –DARPA, FAA, NASA-Ames, NSF, OSD/ARA/SIS, US Army Research Labs, US Army TACOM, USAF Cost Center FFRDC’s and Consortia (4) –Aerospace, JPL, SEI, SPC International (1) –EASE (Japan) USC-CSE Affiliates (32)
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 510/26/2004©USC-CSE USC-CSE Affiliates’ Calendar October 26-29, 2004 March 1-3, 2005 March 14-18, 2005 May 2005 July 15, 2005 October 25-28, 2005 Annual Research Review, Executive Workshop: Model-Based Architectures COCOMO/SCM Forum and Workshops #20 COCOMO/SCM Forum and Workshops #19 Ground Systems Architectures Workshop (co-sponsored), Aerospace / Manhattan Beach Annual Affiliates’ Renewal COCOMO/SCM Forum Abstracts Due
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 610/26/2004©USC-CSE Outline USC-CSE Highlights, USC-CSE Affiliates and Calendar Workshop Topics and Agenda
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 710/26/2004©USC-CSE Forum and Agenda Tuesday, October 26 –Morning: COCOMO Suite Unification Tutorial –Afternoon: Forum Sessions –Evening: Affiliates’ dinner and workshops kickoff Wednesday, October 27 –8:15 – 5:00pm: Forum –5:00 – 7:00pm: Reception and Tools Fair Thursday, October 28 –All Day:COCOMO II Security Extensions, Ed Colbert, Danni Wu –Morning (ends 11:30) : COSYSMO: Ricardo Valerdi : COSOSIMO: JoAnn Lane –Afternoon: Unified COCOMO Suite: Lane, Valerdi, Winsor Brown Friday, October 29 –Morning: Workshop Summaries and Discussion
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC 810/26/2004©USC-CSE Workshop Guidelines Product: briefing, preferably with notes and priorities Topics should include: –Model Refinements –Most critical issues in area –Most promising opportunities –Research suggestions: general, CSE, CSE Affiliates