2-1 Entrepreneur as a Person
2-2 Entrepreneurial Process 1)Identify/Evaluate Opportunity (Self Evaluation) 2)Develop Business Plan 3)Determine Resources Required 4)Manage The Enterprise
2-3 Inner Control / Disciplined Risk taker Self Confident Self Starter Innovator Changed Oriented Persistent Visionary Leader Ability to manage change Communication Ability to Organize Network building Being a team player Interpersonal TYPES OF SKILLS REQUIRED IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP Personal Enterpreneurial Skills Business plan & goal setting Decision making Human Relations Marketing Accounting Management Control Negotiation Venture launch Managing growth Business Management Skills
2-4 Opportunity Analysis Personal Observation (CB 1 / Self Relation) Market Need? Underlying Social Conditions Market Research Data Assess Competition- Patents? Where Money To Be Made
2-5 Decision Making Manager vs. Entrepreneur Domain- Administrative vs. Entrepreneurial Strategic Orientation Commitment to Opportunity Commitment of Resources Control of Resources Management Structure
I have the ability to communicate I have the ability motivate others I have the ability to organize I can accept responsibility I can easily adapt to change I have decision making capability I have drive and energy I am in good health I have good human relations skill I have initiative I am interested in people I have good judgment I am open minded and receptive to new ideas I have planning ability I am persistent I am resourceful I am self confident I am self starter I am a good listener I am willing to be a risk taker Total Score I have the ability to communicate I have the ability motivate others I have the ability to organize I can accept responsibility I can easily adapt to change I have decision making capability I have drive and energy I am in good health I have good human relations skill I have initiative I am interested in people I have good judgment I am open minded and receptive to new ideas I have planning ability I am persistent I am resourceful I am self confident I am self starter I am a good listener I am willing to be a risk taker Total Score TEST YOUR POTENTIAL AS AN ENTREPRENEUR
2-7 “Intrapreneurship” Instilling Entrepreneurial Spirit Within An Existing Organization To Innovate And Grow.
2-8 Organizational Culture Corporate Climate/Reward System Favors Conservatism Climate/Reward System Favors Conservatism Follow Instructions, No Initiative Follow Instructions, No Initiative Hierarchy Of Authority Hierarchy Of AuthorityIntrapreneurial Develop Vision, Goals, & Plans Develop Vision, Goals, & Plans Suggest, Try, Experiment Suggest, Try, Experiment Flat Organizational Structure- Networking & Teamwork Flat Organizational Structure- Networking & Teamwork
2-9 Cultural Norms/Values CorporateIntrapreneurial FragmentedWhole InstructionVision Controlled In Control Outer-DirectedInner-Directed AlienationResponsibility “Chores”Enthusiasm/Motivation Defined Limits Space/Freedom InterferenceTrust Distrust Belief In People ExpendableExpandable Limiting People Growing People
2-10 Interest In Intrapreneurship Rising Interest in “Doing Your Own Thing” Corporation –Support To Retain Creative Employees –Fund Startups Hypercompetition Corporate vs. Intrapreneurial Culture
2-11 Intrapreneurial Activities New Business Venturing InnovationSelf-RenewalProactive
2-12 Climate for Intrapreneurship TechnologyTechnology New Ideas EncouragedNew Ideas Encouraged Trial/Error EncouragedTrial/Error Encouraged Failure AllowedFailure Allowed No Opportunity ParametersNo Opportunity Parameters Resources Available & AccessibleResources Available & Accessible Multidiscipline TeamsMultidiscipline Teams Long Time HorizonLong Time Horizon Volunteer ProgramVolunteer Program Appropriate Reward SystemAppropriate Reward System Sponsors/Champions AvailableSponsors/Champions Available Support of Top ManagementSupport of Top Management
2-13 Intrapreneurial Leaders Understand Environment Have Vision/Flexibility Create Management Options Encourage Teamwork Encourage Open Discussion Build Coalitions Persist
2-14 Establishing Intrapreneurship Commitment of Top Management Identify Ideas/Areas Interested In Supporting Use Technology For Flexibility Managers Share/Train Employees Get Closer to Customers Be More Productive With Less
2-15 Evaluating Intrapreneurship Proposals Corporate Fit Initial Investment Experienced Venture Champion Experience With Product/Service Competitive Threat Proprietary Technology Gross Margin Rate Of Return
2-16 Barriers To Intrapreneurship Inherent Nature of Large Organizations No Long-Term Commitment Lack Of Autonomy For Decision Making Lack of Intrapreneurial Talent Inappropriate Compensation Methods Constrained Environment