KBS-HYPERBOOK An Open Hyperbook System for Education Peter Fröhlich, Wolfgang Nejdl, Martin Wolpers University of Hannover.


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Presentation transcript:

KBS-HYPERBOOK An Open Hyperbook System for Education Peter Fröhlich, Wolfgang Nejdl, Martin Wolpers University of Hannover

Contents 4 Motivation: Hyperbooks and Modeling 4 Modeling Framework 4Meta Model 4Domain Model 4Navigational Model 4Visualization Model 4 Previous Approaches 4 Conclusions and Further Work

Hyperbooks instead of Hypertext 4 Hyperbooks (in contrast to unstructured Hypertext) allow –(Multimedia) Knowledge Bases described by an explicit Domain Model –Systematic navigation based on book contents –Annotation within the hyperbook based on this model –Personalization of book content depending on user knowledge and goals

Application of Hyperbooks 4 Open Hyperbooks (modular course materials by several authors, which include theory and project examples, including student extensions such as tips, comments, seminar work, own project examples, etc.) 4 Specialized training units for workplace education

Semantic Models for Hyperbooks 4 Hyperbook Modeling extends modeling techniques (semantic data modeling, object oriented software models) by taking hypertext properties (navigation, visualization, etc.) into account

Modeling Framework 4 Explicit modeling of all hyperbook aspects –Domain Model (Objects + Relationships) –Navigational Model (Navigation among Topics) –Visualization Model (MIME Objects representing topics) –User Model (customization of content and structure)

Modeling Framework

Metamodel 4 Definition of Modeling Language –Domain (Classes, Objects, Attributes, Relationships, Objects, Inheritance, Instantiation) –Navigation (Hyperlink, Index, Trail) –Visualisation (WWW-Page) –User (Topic, Dependencies, Knowledge) –Metamodel Definition in O-Telos

Domain Model 4 Describe domain by a hierarchy of Domain Classes/Objects and their Attributes (including Inheritance and Instantiation) 4 Find Relationships among domain classes (1:1, 1:n, m:n) 4 Book Contents is attached to domain model

Meta- and Domainmodel

Domain Software Engineering

Domain Model CS I

Navigational Model 4 Navigational Concepts –Links: support 1:1-relationships –Index, GuidedTour, IndexGuidedTour: support 1:n-relationships –Crossreference-Index supports m:n-relationship 4 Logical Formulas describe how Domain Model Concepts map to Navigational Concepts

Navigation Model 4 Trails –Sequence of pages –Represent lecture lessons –Synchronous slide show with audio annotation –Support for printing

Visualization Model 4 Topic is presented by a set of WWW Pages (associated to Domain Units) 4 WWW Page is partitioned into Fragments, which have MIME Types, e.g. text/html 4 Hierarchy of MIME types is part of meta model

Visualization Model

System Architecture

Previous Approaches (1) 4 Object-oriented Modeling Techniques –Examples Hypertext Design Method (HDM) Relationship Management Methodology (RMM) Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Model (OOHDM) –Suited as database frontends –Navigate collections of loosely structured data

Previous Approaches (2) 4 Adaptive Hypertext –Examples: Interbook ELM-Art –Pages are indexed with high-level concepts from the user model –User Model Proposes links among the pages Annotates links

Current Hyperbook Work 4 Further Implementation (extending server prototype, building model-based authoring tool, adaptation of navigational structure) 4 Modeling (Ontologies, Several Domain Models) 4 Development of Hyperbooks (CS I/SW, KI (together with Osnabrück and Hildesheim)) 4 User Modelling

Conclusions 4 Definition of a systematic approach to hyperbook design containing –Domain Model –Navigation Model –Visualization Model –User Model 4 Based on Declarative Meta Model

Conclusions 4 Implementation –Navigational Structure is generated based on Domain Model and Navigational Rules –Generic servlet connected to WWW server evaluates book models (based on meta model) and displays the book using current browsers –Modeling Language: O-Telos –Meta Database: ConceptBase