COS 125 DAY 20
Agenda Assignment #6 Due Assignment #7 Posted Due April 18 Capstone Progress Report Due Next Quiz (Quiz #4) April 11 Castro Chap 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 20 M/C questions, 4 Short Essay 60 min WebSite for text book Discussion on Lists
List Overview Creating Ordered and Unordered Lists Choosing Your Markers (Bullets) Choosing Where to Start List Numbering Using Custom Markers Controlling Where Markers Hang Setting All List-Style Properties at Once Creating Definition Lists Styling Nested Lists
LISTS 3 Types Ordered Numbered Unordered Bullets Definitions Like a dictionary Examples of everything in this lecture available at
Creating Ordered and Unordered Lists Type <ol> for ordered list or <ul> for unordered list Type <li> to begin every item of the list followed by </li> Repeat step above for every item Type </ol> or </ul> to complete list Default for ordered list 1,2,3,4 Default for unordered list is ●
Lists Unordered <ul> Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 </ul> Ordered <ol> Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 </ol>
Creating Ordered and Unordered Lists You can nest lists (one inside another) <ul> <li> <ol><li></li></ol> </li> </ul> You cannot put text between opening tag (<ol> or <ul>) and first item <li> Lists are automatically indented from left margin
Choosing your Markers For Ordered Lists Examples Works for both ordered and unordered lists Create a style rule for <li> li {list-style-type:“marker”;} Marker can be For Unordered lists disc ● circle ○ square ■ For Ordered Lists decimal 1,2,3,4 upper-alpha A,B,C,D lower-alpha a,b,c,d upper-roman I,II,III,IV lower-roman i,ii,iii,iv Examples li {list-style-type:circle;} li {list-style-type:lower-roman;}
Choosing Where to start List Numbering You can modify the numbering of your lists To start on a number other than one <ol start=“3”> To change number “mid-stream” <li value=“5”>
Using Custom markers You can use any image as a marker Should be less than 15X15 pixels Create a style rule li {list-style-image:url(image.gif);} Use absolute URL for image Can use with list-style-type property Overrides list-style-type property
Controlling Where Markers Hang By default markers are indent from left and list item indent a bit further Can be modified by style rule li{list-style-postion:inside} Cause text for the item list to indent at same level as marker on subsequent lines Defualt is outside
Setting All List Properties at Once li{list-style: image then positions then type} li{list-style:url(arrow.gif) inside square;} Any item not set is set to default setting type default is disc image default is none position default is outside
Creating a definition list Type <dl> Type <dt> and word or phrase to be fined followed by </dt> Type <dd> and definition for word or phrase followed by </dd> Type </dl>
Styling Nested Lists Using nested lists and style rules you can create “outlines” just like on your word processor First level Style rules ol li{rules} Second level ol ol li{rules} Third level ol ol ol li{rules} Forth level ol ol ol ol li{rules}
Rest of Class is help session