Chapter 7 Age and Sex-Related Differences & Their Implications for Resistance Exercise
Chapter 7 Preadolesence – prior to secondary sex characteristics Adolescence – period from childhood & adulthood Older or Senior – 65 years old and older Growth – Increase in the body size Development – Natural process from prenatal life to adulthood
Maturation – Process of becoming mature and fully functional Scenario – A high school football coach is offering extrinsic motivation for the any player or student that achieves a 300 lb bench press. –Good idea or bad idea? –What about age of students attempting this feat.
Scenario Cont. –Chronological age – How old in years –Biological age – Measure of skeletal age, somatic physique and sexual maturation Mesomorph, Endomorph, Ectomorph
Chapter 7 –What about the person’s training age? –What about peak height velocity (damage to bones)? –Do adolescence children gain muscular size or strength.
At what age to we achieve our muscular peak?