Computer Literacy PowerPoint Dustin Llanes Comm. 165
Introduction A computer program (i.e. powerpoint) is really just a set of instructions, a code, telling your computer what to do when. These programs can be really easy, or super complex. They are written in a computer language code.
Programs Programs help your computer know what to do. A program for your computer is like creating an outline before a big paper, it helps keep you in order. These programs need to be properly maintained to ensure their constant success.
Programs There are many steps to designing a program.. Set & Review goals: What is it supposed to do? Design: Create the strategy to achieve goal. Coding: Write the program. Testing: Try it out with real people. Documentation: What you did and why. How to use it.
Sample Program Using old microsoft technology (BASIC) I have created my own sample program. 10 INPUT "What is your name: "; U$ 20 PRINT "Hello "; U$ 30 REM 40 PRINT "Goodbye "; U$ This program will ask your name, say hello, and then say goodbye.
Computer Languages Different computer languages are used to write different types of programs. The computer understands these languages and translates it into the code so you don’t have to.
Computer Languages Cont. Once the program is written, it can either be translated or compiled – Translated changes the text into code – Compiled changes the code into text
If you want to know more… Visit Jan’s Computer Basics at –