Central Iowa Section Report Ed Neller Chair Region 4 Meeting January 27-28, 2007 Marriott Hotel, Chicago
Central Iowa Section (Location of Meeting seems to be important)
Central Iowa Membership Breakdown by Grade then Gender GradeMaleFemaleUnknownTotal Fellow8 8 Life Fellow3 3 Life Member16 Life Senior11 Senior Member Member Student Associate Member Affiliate Total
Highlights of 2006 Activities Increased attendance at meetings –Diversity –Members showing interest in Exec Board Saturday Connection
Successful Activities Internet Security and Computer ForensicsDr. Doug Jacobson (Iowa State) Weather Radar and Severe WeatherJohn McLaughlin (KCCI Channel 8) “Lessons from DEFCON, the Largest Hacking Conference in the World.”Andrew Neller (Wellmark) Solar Energy ConversionDr. Vikram Dalal (Iowa State University) Saturday Connection
Successful Meetings Common Items The Central Iowa Section had 4+ successful meetings –Successful meetings Those with not just the regular attendees, but had significant number of non regular members. More diverse membership attendance and involvement. Increased involvement of student members and students in programs (even if free pizza was not involved) Most meetings were technical in nature Weather Radar (Doppler Radar), Defcon (how to bypass security on Blackberrys and solutions), Solar Energy Conversion, but not deeply technical. Even though meetings were technical, they were of interest to family members.
Saturday Connection 2006 Teach Basic Electronics to Jr. High students & build a simple circuit board (Greg Long, Brent Thompson, John Armstrong, Ed Neller)
Plans for 2007 JanuaryExtended Exec Meeting FebruaryEP 2 Facility Tour- Terry Nelson MarchUpdate on 70E and IEEE 1584 Mel Sanders AprilHAM Radio Operations (Tentative)Steve Schallehn MayPatents and the patenting process - Sarah Hankel NovemberAnnual Meeting Saturday Connection 2007 – February, March Norwalk Middle School Project – Doug Richardson Assist local school 8 th grade science class Get more women members involved
Future Potential Meetings RF Cars and Helicopters Computer Security - Dr. Doug Jacobson and or Andrew Neller Papajohn Center on Starting a Business Power Quality Presentation (Harmonics /Impulse) Power Quality Presentation (grounding) Software Engineering (Rosenberg at Iowa State?) Civic Center backstage operations Hilton Coliseum Tour Events Center Tour IPTV & Digital Television Joint Meeting Engineers Club of Des Moines Zooks(Harley Davison) Junior Achievement on Grand
How Can R4 Help in Meeting Your Section’s Goals? Continue the list of presenters for meetings and have a list of topics. Increase the amount of free time for members to attend meetings. IEEE Store – Caps, Shirts