Update London Health Programme 1.Demographic work - Public health intelligence analyst LHP. Cluster data quality poor Matching MH Trust clusters to borough needs (Sense test ) Using ICD 10 coding 2.Costing Exercise (tendering stage) To map the range and cost of services currently being commissioned by MH commissioners including difference between boroughs. Comparing the quantum cost within each reference cost with the quantum of funding that local care clusters and volumes represent Compare prices across commissioners in London to identify where prices look anomalous. Start date January 2012
LHP update cont 3.Clinical Lead Post: Validation of care cluster and cluster accuracy across the Region. Deep dive cluster analysis to understand issues related to cluster accuracy across London boroughs. To develop a methodology to evaluate the reliability of clustering data Time scale : currently being advertise, interview date 4 th January
PbR Time line 15 th December – PbR National Guidance will be published. 31 st December - MH providers to cluster all their WAA and OPS. By 1 April 2012: Providers should have agreed local prices with their commissioners for 2012/13, based on the cost of the care clusters. They should also have negotiated agreements for 2012/13 that include how any financial risks will be managed and shared to ensure that overall there is a cost-neutral impact for 2012/13. During 2012/13: Providers and commissioners will need to carefully monitor the initial cluster costs and prices. Providers should work with all their commissioners to agree a single local trust price for each cluster for use in 2013/14. They will also need to make progress in other areas to ensure that the data to support mental health PbR in future years is as accurate as possible.
MHMDS - What information is published? Routine Quarterly MHMDS reports Service Performance Indicators Mental Health Activity Organisation level data quality reports Annual Mental Health Bulletin National and org level data tables Report MHMDS On-line Special Feature on Cluster data in MHMDS
USES OF MHMDS DATA By commissioners, for contract monitoring By the DH for service performance monitoring By the CQC for quality and risk profiles and general monitoring By the DH for the service usage element of the capitation weighted formula for the allocation of budget to PCTs (from 2011/2012) by researchers …
Did you know… Commissioners could be using now… Commissioner level data extracts – available on request. NHS commissioner level annual data tables, e.g. rates of access to services per 100,000 population rates of access to inpatient care, per 100 service users Annual file, by provider, by Commissioner activity counts
Commissioners extracts for v4 from Q1 2011/12 Download extracts from Open Exeter portal Apply for access by completing BSP data user certificateBSP data user certificate Free
Why access MHMDS? MHMDS is the most comprehensive and authoritative source of data for Payment by Results, providing, for each patient: MHCT Assessments Start and End Dates of periods on Cluster All demographics Service activity, CPA, Mental Health Act, diagnosis, HoNOS Providers know it will be available to you!
PbR Training Package We have been asked developed a package of training materials related to Payment by Results (PBR) in Mental Health. This training package is aimed at Commissioners, PCT Contractors, Clinical Commissioning Groups and others A collection of materials to strengthen participants’ knowledge and understanding of key elements of mental health PbR.
Objectives 1.Describe the background to the development of MHCT 2.Explain the rules and principles of rating the MHCT 3.Understand how clinicians allocate patients to Care Clusters. 4.Cluster transition points and protocols. 5.An understanding of National PbR Guidance 6.Initial Assessment and funding. 7.Contracting issues including Data quality and Implication to commissioners & Providers 8.Risk Sharing - MOU
Training pack overview The training pack is in two levels: Level 1 It is a PbR quiz to check your basic understanding of PbR, it equates to a 30 minutes training time. Level 2, It provides a broad overview of key PbR issues this can be delivered in 30 minutes up to 2 hr session. We are currently engaged with two London Clusters supporting the delivery of the training pack. If you want to know more or want training delivered contact anyone of us via or phone.
PbR Steering Group The group is meeting this week on 8 th Dec Lead rep from all London Cluster CEO MH trust rep. London Medial Lead London Memorandum Of Understanding is on the agenda for this group.
Next steps Contracting workshop in January 12 th New standard Contract MHMDS V4 A consultation for the Information centre, what else? ANY QUESTIONS