Building= process of building a building
How buildings learn
Most architecture is designed not to be changed Yet is has to and will adapt
Perfection is the enemy of adaptation
We shape our buildings and they shape us
Adaptable = alive Age + adaptablity = Architecture we love Because each one living in the house has added quality and history
Low rent = High adaptability
Home or investment?
Buildings last as long as love to them is greater as love to them is greater than trouble maintaining them Beware Poor adaptability i #1 killer of love Water is #1 trouble
Additive External Internal Imagine to build the envelope for the downpayment and keep developing the house for the amount you would have used for interest payment
From planning for present user to scenarios for future users Whatever you are ready for will not happen Whatever you are not ready for will
Design for Reuse Design for Disassembly
Adaptability Never let the long life layers fixate the short life Layers: Site Structure Skin Services Space plan Stuff Timeframes Permanent or mobilt? 50 year + 30 year + 20 year + 5 year + 1 year
Adaptability Next technology Layers: Site Structure Skin Services Space plan Stuff Technology New urbanism Roof on columns Glass and sprayed composite Attached installation and energy module LEGO system Living furniture
Innovation=Profit growth= Value for customers Expenses
Customer value Functional Comfortable Healthy Economical Reliable Sustainable Creative Adventurous Wauw Social Identification Sensual
Tool for: Evaluating products/services Developing strategy Creating new ideas/concepts Evaluating new ideas/concepts
Functional Performing Flexible Ergonomic Plug & Play
Comfortable Supportive Convenient Adaptable Mobile
Healthy Safe Protective Healing
Economical Value for money Minimal consumption Minimal maintenance High second hand value
Reliable No “down time” DurableRepairableReplaceable 2000 planes no fatal crash
Sustainable Minimal resources Minimal pollution Recycling
Creative Artistic Unique Storytelling Co-designed
Adventurous Surprising Thrilling Daring Challenging Experimental
Wauw Seducing Passionate Liberating Cute
Social Affectionate Responsive Outgoing Interactive
Identification Me Us Our family Our country Our culture
Sensual Beautiful Musical Gourmet Aromatic Touch(-ing) ”sixth sense”
Brand -Credibility -Confidence -Responsibility
Viral -When something arouse the customers enthusiasm -Stay in her mind -And make her recommend it to friends -It’s a relation between the product and the user
Balance between offering and customer value Product offering Customer Value (individual in a social/cultural context) Functional Comfortable Healthy Economical Reliable Sustainable Creative Adventurous Wauw Social Identification Sensual
Bottom line Functional Comfortable Healthy Economical Reliable Sustainable Creative Adventurous Wauw Social Identification Sensual Customer value Product offering
Matrix User/real estate Functional Comfortable Healthy Economical Reliable Sustainable Creative Adventurous Wauw Social Identification Sensual Site Structure Skin Services Space plan Stuff
Drivers: Push & Pull Technology push IT e-business, www, pervasive computing, wireless Nano surfaces, selfcleaning, energyproducing, intelligent Bioteknologi genetech, bionik Market pull Market Globalisation, knowledge, out- sourcing, culture, east New customer demands, demography, culture, lifestyle, trends Legislation, tax, subsidies, energy prices workers safety EU
Innovationsområder Leadership Business model Alliances ProductionCompetences Core process ProductDesign Infra structure Service Customer relation Sales channel ”Brand” User situation
Matrix User/business Functional Comfortable Healthy Economical Reliable Sustainable Creative Adventurous Wauw Social Identification Sensual IT Nano Biotech Market Customers Legislation Business model Alliances Competences Core process Design Infrastructure Services Sale channels Brand User situation