Update Hardware for conductive cooling of the quench resistors has been fabricated at LBNL. Preparation for installation to start this week. Installation method being written for the Wang tech to remove old resistor system and installation of new system. The second radiation shield outer shell penetrations are being cut. End plates have been machined. Old bore tubes being prepared. Both vacuum vessels have new holes plasma cut and have been ground clean. Both are ready for the assembly phase. MAP tech board meeting yesterday. Some changes to the Testing and Operations section of the schedule to give a more realistic timescale for the testing. This is the first iteration for the testing methods, some timescale changes may be implemented at a later date when more information has been collected. Control system requirements
Testing and Operations changes Soak testing of the coolers reduced from 2 weeks to 3 days. Thermal differences during soak test of the cryo coolers At the tapered joint on the 1 st stage of the coolers At the single stage cooler All points of the radiation shield Warm bore using temperature probe Monitoring of the Heater / Helium Pressure feedback system Magnetic Mapping of the solenoids will not be a detailed analysis. The current thinking is for a simple on beam axis measurement at the approximate coil centres using a single Hall probe. Reduction from 3 weeks to 1 day This measurement will be carried out in a single day after a steady state for the coils has been achieved. Coil Ramp / Operation with probable quench / re-cool after quench / thermal characterization. Reduced from 6 weeks to 2 weeks. 1 – 2 Quench / cool cycles per day
Control System Requirement Previously stated required date 1 st December for start of cool down. Mid November arrival requested to give time to debug / setup. Wang internal milestone. Wanting equipment onsite as soon as possible. Indicated date for requirement 31 st January for start of cool down (errors found / updates in schedule since ). Shipping early Jan More conservative schedule. As soon as possible after completion of the AFC control system.
Milestones 1.Resistor/Diode Pack with conduction plate installed to Cold Mass – 19 th September. 2.Cold Mass ready for Helium leak checking – 22 th September. 3.Machining work on Vacuum Vessel completed – 22 nd September 4.Cold Mass ready for MLI wrapping – 28 rd September 5.Assembly Starts on Upstream Spectrometer Solenoid – 11 th October 6.Cold Mass and Shield inside the Vacuum Vessel – 31 st October 7.Cold Mass aligned to the Vacuum Vessel – 9 th November ~Delivery of Upstream Solenoid to RAL – 16 th April 2012 ~Delivery of Downstream Solenoid to RAL – 10 th July 2012 R Preece/S Virostek 14/10/11