Alpine Weather Forecasting Neil Stringfellow CSCS Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
CSCS – Swiss National Supercomputing Centre National Supercomputing Centre since 1992 Provides compute facilities and scientific support to Swiss research community –Federal High Schools, Federal research institutes, Universities and University of Applied Sciences Switzerland is currently planning its national strategy in HPC CSCS also provides facilities to MeteoSwiss for operational weather forecasting HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
CSCS User Base Scientists drawn from a large number of disciplines Climate research is a major research field HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
Climate Modelling at CSCS One of CSCS “ALPS” projects awarded to model hydrological cycle in Alpine Environment Various software packages are run at CSCS –Echam5 & Echam5-HAM (Atmosphere & Aerosol) –CCSM & CSM with Carbon Cycle –COSMO climate model (regional and local) No non-coupled ocean modelling HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
Economic Importance of Climate Modelling Tourism –Important to know long-term effects for planning where to locate ski resorts Agriculture –Swiss agriculture is expected to benefit from modest temperature increases (up to 2°C) Electricity generation –Hydro power requires precipitation –Nuclear power plants require cooling HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
Water and Electricity Generation Swiss electricity generation is carbon neutral! –Approx 60% from hydroelectric power plants –Most of the rest is Nuclear Need to know precipitation levels for electricity generation Cooling of nuclear power plants relies on water, and the temperature of that water –During the 2003 summer heatwave, electricity production from nuclear was reduced by 25% HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
Future Climate Scenarios Current prediction is for higher temperatures and lower precipitation Glacial melt will increase in near future but water available for hydro-generation will reduce from present levels by 2050 Warmer water will reduce cooling capacity for nuclear reactors There is a need for research, and in particular numerical simulation HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
MeteoSwiss and CSCS MeteoSwiss is the Swiss federal weather office MeteoSwiss run operational weather forecast model at CSCS MeteoSwiss runs the COSMO model from the COSMO consortium –This is a local (not global) model CSCS provides compute resources and technical and scientific services HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
High Resolution Forecasting European Windstorms Lothar and Martin caused destruction and loss of life in 1999 Not detected by national weather services Demands for improved forecasting Additional requirements for accurate forecasting from Nuclear Power Plant operators HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008 Destruction in black forest due to Windstorm Lothar
European Windstorms - background Windstorms occur in Winter, typically December to February –Sometimes called “Winter storms” or Orkan Naming system similar to hurricanes –Names issued by Free University of Berlin Actually all high and low pressures are named Historically have caused major loss of life –Mainly due to dyke breaches in Netherlands Occasionally missed by national weather services –1987 Storm in United Kingdom –“Lothar” in 1990 by Germany (and others inc. Switzerland) HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
Features of European Windstorms Don’t dissipate quickly over land –They sometimes intensify over land Often occur in clusters of 2 or more –Daria & Herta (Jan 1990) –Vivan & Wiebke (Feb 1990) –Désirée, Esther, Fanny, Hetty (Jan 1998) –Lothar & Martin (Dec 1999) Wind speeds, insurance losses and fatalities are similar to U.S. hurricanes –No massive loss of life in modern times to compare with Hurricanes Jeanne and Katrina HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
Swiss Topography High mountains and deep valleys lead to extreme winds during storms –225 km/h on Aetsch Glacier for Kyrill –285 km/h at Jungfraujoch for Wiebke HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
Insurance Losses European Windstorms are the second highest cause of insurance losses –Highest losses are caused by U.S. Hurricanes Average annual loss is around $2 Billion 5 of top 20 biggest ever insurance losses are due to European Windstorms HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
Losses of Big Storms Position in top 40 all time losses Wind StormYearLoss in US $Billion Fatalities 11Daria Lothar * Kyrill * “1987 Storm” Vivian * Martin * Anatol HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008 * affected Switzerland Combined Lothar/Martin (25 th & 27 th Dec. 1999) would be 8 th largest loss Source: Swiss Re
Lothar/Martin – December 1999 Storm Lothar crossed France, Germany and Switzerland on 24 th & 25 th December 1999 Storm Martin followed a similar path on 26 th & 27 th December Many fatalities, billions of dollars of damage Not predicted by National Weather Services HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
Advances in Prediction Study of prediction of Lothar/Martin (Walser et. al) looked at 3 aspects –Moist Singular Vectors Different approach to calculate initial perturbations for ensemble forecasts –Increased Resolution –Ensembles Showed great potential for improved forecasts HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
opr SVs, x~80 km Forecast storm Lothar: max. wind gusts t+(42-66) (1) Configuration: opr SVs, 80 km opr SVs, 10 km, 80 km topo moist SVs, 10 km, 80 km topo moist SVs, 10 km moist SVs, 10 km, 10 members
Configuration: opr SVs, 80 km opr SVs, 10 km, 80 km topo moist SVs, 10 km, 80 km topo moist SVs, 10 km moist SVs, 10 km, 10 members opr SVs, x~10 km, x topography ~ 80 km Forecast storm Lothar: max. wind gusts t+(42-66) (2)
Configuration: opr SVs, 80 km opr SVs, 10 km, 80 km topo moist SVs, 10 km, 80 km topo moist SVs, 10 km moist SVs, 10 km, 10 members moist SVs, x~10 km, x topography ~ 80 km Forecast storm Lothar: max. wind gusts t+(42-66) (3 )
Configuration: opr SVs, 80 km opr SVs, 10 km, 80 km topo moist SVs, 10 km, 80 km topo moist SVs, 10 km moist SVs, 10 km, 10 members moist SVs, x~10 km Forecast storm Lothar: max. wind gusts t+(42-66) (4)
Configuration: opr SVs, 80 km opr SVs, 10 km, 80 km topo moist SVs, 10 km, 80 km topo moist SVs, 10 km moist SVs, 10 km, 10 members moist SVs, x~10 km, 10 members Forecast storm Lothar: max. wind gusts t+(42-66) (5)
Going from 80km to 10km HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008 ECMWF EPS (80 km) COSMO-LEPS (10 km)
Current Situation of MeteoSwiss Forecast runs on a 896 core Cray XT4 Runs 8 times per day for ~ 30 mins HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
Need for High Resolution The forecast simulation resolves Switzerland using a two-grid refinement –coarse 6.6km spacing between grid points 385 x 325 grid, 60 atmospheric levels over Western Europe, 72 second time step with numerical leapfrog scheme –fine simulation uses 2.2km spacing 520 x 350 grid, 60 atmospheric levels over “Alpine Arc”, 20 second time step with Runge-Kutta numerical scheme Many features in Switzerland were not resolved at the older 7km resolution –Few valleys are resolved at this resolution
Resolution change 6.6km to 2.2km HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008 COSMO-7 (6.6 km)COSMO-2 (2.2 km)
HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008 Example - Magadino Plain Magadino Plain is the lowest part of Switzerland –Lowest point is on shore of Lago Maggiore Plane is surrounded by mountains At 6.6km res n it resolves to be a 1km high plateau At 2.2km res n it has a valley floor at 200m height
Parameterisation v Direct Simulation At low resolution many features cannot be directly modelled - have to be parameterised Higher resolutions allow more physics 6.6km -> 2.2km deep convection is computed explicitly Higher resolution also allows modelling of valley winds HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
Full Suite 7 components –Interpolation, assimilation and 24 hour forecast on coarse grid –Interpolation and assimilation on fine grid –Interpolation and 24 hour forecast on fine grid All components have to complete in ~20 minutes –To allow for data post-processing to complete within 30 minutes of start Suite runs every 3 hours Twice per day a 72 hour coarse grid forecast is added HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
Model Heirarchy HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008 ECMWF IFS ECMWF IFS (global) 25km, 91 levels 2 x 240h per day + 2 x 78h per day COSMO-7 (regional) 6.6km, 60 levels 2 x 72h per day COSMO-7 COSMO-2 (local) 2.2km, 60 levels 8 x 24h per day COSMO-2
Full Suite Timeline HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept COSMO-7 COSMO-2 Time UTC.. +72h Full Suite Forecast
Example of Improvement - Wind South of Zurich Lake Wind field at 6.6km and 2.2km resolution Features only resolved at high resolution HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
Other Extreme Events in Switzerland Summer Flooding –Summer floods over central Europe in 2005 –38 th largest insurance loss (Swiss Re) Summer Heatwaves –European heatwave of 2003 responsible for 35,000 deaths 8 th largest number of deaths from natural catastrophe Others, e.g. hailstorms halted Tour de Suisse in 2007 HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
HPC Issues in Climate/Weather What is typical high-end Climate HPC work? Future Modelling in Climate/Weather –Higher resolution –More physics –Ensembles Very complex and large codes –Not likely to be an early adopter or new languages –No compact kernel for accelerators HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
I/O Rate and Storage Many codes use proprietary formats –Grib format in European codes No widespread adoption of parallel I/O –often I/O is done on one or a few processes Increasing amounts of data being generated –reluctance to delete data –two-thirds of CSCS archive is used for Climate and Weather data HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008
Acknowledgements Great many thanks go to Andre Walser and Daniel Leuenberger of MeteoSwiss for providing slides and answering questions HPC User Forum – Tucson - 9th Sept 2008