The Real St. Nicolaas ;271 to 343 AD ;Archbishop of Myra ;Canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in the 4 th Century ;Patron Saint of Sailors, Merchants, and Children ;Later removed from the calendar of Saint days
The start of St. Nicolaas celebrations in The Netherlands ;12 th and 13 th century, 23 St. Nicolaas churches build in The Netherlands. ;14 th century choir boys in St. Nicolaas churches receive money and the day off on December 6 th. The day of St. Nicolaas death. Oldest record a 1360 receipt from Dordrecht. ;Later rewards and punishments were handed out by a teacher dressed as St. Nicolaas at convent schools on December 5 th. Sint tells Jenneke and Rafael what is in his big red book
The legend mixes with other rituals ;St. Nicolaas acquires a white horse. This is probably related to the Norse god Wodan, who rode a horse through the sky scattering gifts. ;Although the real St. Nicolaas lived in Asia Minor, in Dutch folklore the Saint lives in Spain. ;St. Nicolaas acquires a Moorish servant Piet. Based on Wodan’s black raven or a real servant (freed slave) named Pitre The first book from 1850
The celebration for kids ;St. Nicolaas arrives mid November. ;Shoes by the fire place. ;St. Nicolaas visit the school on December 5. ;Presents at home on St. Nicolaas Eve (December 5)
Steamboat Arrival
Sint’s Arrival on TV
The Parade
Shoes by the fire place
The celebration for big kids ;Cleverly wrapped presents called “surprises” ;Bad habits ;Recent incidents ;Anything embarrassing ;The poem ;Department store poets ;Books of words that rhyme ;Internet sites
Vincent shows his father’s “surprise” Tamara likes to keep her secrets save from her family Family Surprises
Short, long, and difficult poems
Nasty wrappings
Interesting wrappings
Hidden Presents
Hats as Wrappings
A large mouse and a small mouse with a big cheese Mousy Wrappings
and creativity are endless Imagination
Thank You St. Nicolaas