UCLA Library Funding & Travel Policy
What Types of Activity Does The UCLA Library Support? Business-related Activities & Travel Activities that support Library operational needs Book-buying trips UCLA representative to UC, CDL meetings & events Job training Learning/Development Activities & Travel Activities that encourage work-related learning & development that benefit the Library, University, profession, and the individual
What Can Be Funded? Any business-related & learning/development activity may be funded by the Library If under budget constraints, the Library may restrict funding to ‘essential’ activities: - Activity or travel is essential if related to University or Library business - An individual event may be deemed ‘essential’
This policy applies ONLY to library departments and units that report to the University Librarian Funding from the Librarian Professional Development Fund – which also applies to librarians in affiliated units – must conform to UCLA business policies The University or the State of California reserves the right to impose more restrictive funding limitations What Can Be Funded?
Departmental Funds Departmental funds may be used to support approved activities and travel These funds are controlled by individual unit heads All Library employees are encouraged to request from department sources FIRST A unit head may choose to fund a learning & development activity fully or in part, following the guidelines of the funding source
Business-Related Travel Fund Also known as Administrative Travel Fund Covers expenses of individuals who attend business meetings or other events as official representatives of the UCLA Library, as authorized by the University Librarian
Business-Related Travel Fund Any UCLA Library employee invited to serve on a UC-wide or CDL group must obtain approval from the University Librarian before accepting appointment to the group
Learning & Development Activity and Travel Funds Librarian Professional Development Fund (Memorandum of Understanding between UC and UC-AFT) Staff Professional Development Fund
Librarian Professional Development Fund The UCLA Library allocates a specified amount each year to support professional activities of librarians for the purpose of “research, creative activities, professional meetings, conferences, seminars, and workshops.”
Librarian Professional Development Fund At the start of each fiscal year, LHR or LBS notifies librarians of the allocation to each individual Librarians may use this fund for all expenses normally reimbursable under UCLA travel policy guidelines This allocation may NOT be used for professional association membership dues, books, software, hardware, or professional journals
Staff Professional Development Fund May be used to fund the development of knowledge and/or skills that: Relate directly to an employee’s current position Support continuing development of library employees
Staff Professional Development Fund The Asst. Director of Library Human Resources (ADLHR) manages this account and approves all requests for learning/development support from managers, supervisors, and staff
Staff Professional Development Fund Employees may submit requests for Staff Professional Development funding through the Leave, Funding & Travel Request Form: staff.library.ucla.edu/admin_manual/100-1A.doc
Staff Professional Development Fund A department head may attach a cover sheet to the employee’s request form to explain how the learning & development opportunity fits into the unit’s and individual employee’s work plan and goals
General Guidelines Individuals who request leave and/or funding must state the purpose of the activity and their role in the event provide an estimate of expenses discuss funding possibilities with their supervisor and/or unit head
General Guidelines Librarians in career, potential career and/or temporary appointments may request leave and/or funding for learning & development activities Career staff employees working at least half-time may request leave and/or funding for learning & development activities Events may be on the UCLA campus or off-site
General Guidelines Travel to off-campus events must adhere to: –The University of California’s Policy and Regulations Governing Travel –UCLA travel policies and procedures, and –California state travel and fiscal policies
General Guidelines International travel must be approved in advance. Only the University Librarian may approve international travel If an individual makes changes to travel arrangements for personal convenience, any resulting additional fees must be covered by the individual traveler
General Guidelines Travel Emergencies: The UCLA Travel Center provides a 24-hour telephone number for use in emergencies. The telephone number appears on the traveler’s itinerary and e-receipt:
Sharing Learning Employees funded for business-related or learning/development opportunities are encouraged to share their experiences with the Library community Possibilities include: Written reports Brown bag lunch discussions Informal presentations Web logs (blogs) or websites
Requests for Leave Only Employees may submit requests solely for leave through the Request for Official Leave Form: staff.library.ucla.edu/admin_manual/100-1B.doc
Policy Website Addresses University of California Policy and Regulations Governing Travel: UCLA travel policies and procedures: cedures.shtml