Rethinking Teaching in Higher Education: a reasoned approach to the support of student learning Cheryl Amundsen (SFU), Cheryl Amundsen (SFU), Cynthia Weston, Lynn McAlpine (McGill), Phillip Abrami (Concordia) Phillip Abrami (Concordia)
Teaching Development Process hour Rethinking Teaching Workshop 2. Year-long follow-up group 3. Classroom research studies
Theoretical Foundations of Our Work Structure of knowledge in the disciplines (Donald 2004; 1997) Structure of knowledge in the disciplines (Donald 2004; 1997) Pedagogical reasoning (Shulman 1986,1987; Schwab 1970) Pedagogical reasoning (Shulman 1986,1987; Schwab 1970) Professional thinking and action (Schon, 1983,1987) Professional thinking and action (Schon, 1983,1987) Instructional design (Richley, 1986; Reigeluth, 1999) Instructional design (Richley, 1986; Reigeluth, 1999) Transformational learning (Mezirow, 1991; Cranton, 1996) Transformational learning (Mezirow, 1991; Cranton, 1996)
Four Underlying Constructs Disciplinary knowledge linked to teaching actions. Disciplinary knowledge linked to teaching actions. Learning-centred teaching. Learning-centred teaching. Reasoned approach to teaching decisions. Reasoned approach to teaching decisions. Coherence and alignment of course design elements. Coherence and alignment of course design elements.
Teaching Development Process hour Rethinking Teaching Workshops 2. Year-long follow-up groups 3. Classroom research studies
Rethinking Teaching Workshops What Characterizes Them? Focus is on a complete course. Focus is on a complete course. Design process in the context of the specific subject area. Design process in the context of the specific subject area. Discussion and critique with colleagues across disciplines. Discussion and critique with colleagues across disciplines. Assume the role of both instructor and student in designing courses. Assume the role of both instructor and student in designing courses.
Course Design
First draft - Business
Third Draft - Business
Third Draft - Educational Psychology
Fourth Draft- Educational Psychology
Second draft – Computing Science
Third Draft - Computing Science
Course Design
Format of the Workshop
Why Follow Up Groups? Support while implementing changes designed in the workshop. Support while implementing changes designed in the workshop. Continuation of sense of teaching community developed during workshop. Continuation of sense of teaching community developed during workshop. Explore teaching related questions. Explore teaching related questions.
What about Technology?
The “Layering On” of Technology
Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Instructional Team Academics with a scholarly interest in teaching development. Academics with a scholarly interest in teaching development. Past participants of the workshop and followup groups. Past participants of the workshop and followup groups. Graduate students. Graduate students.
Studying the Effectiveness
Model of Teaching Expertise