Microsoft Excel vs. Inxight Eureka
Column Headings Rows Text values do not show when data is unfocused Numbers appear in blue bars longer the bar larger the value Category values appear as color-coded blocks
Functions Focusing Sorting Grouping Spotlighting Filtering
Row in active focus Returning to the previous view Creating a Focus Closing all focuses Closing all spotlights
Sorting Columns UnsortedSorted
Grouping Records by Column Variable Grouping area
Filtering Data
On the Tools menu click on the Focus Top Rows option to focus the first 5 rows. You can also Focus Bottom Rows or Focus Quartiles.
Right Click on the column you would like to Spotlight and choose the Spotlight option. Choose the range that you would like to Spotlight.
Dating Plus ID Screen Name Gender First Name City State Birthdate Religion Ethnicity Eye Color Hair Color Hair Type Weight Height Love 1 st Sight? Income/month Spending/month Partner educated? Engage in sports? Go w/o sex? Like to Travel Want kids? Sex important? Did you cheat? Meet in bar?
Population Survey Person ID Years educated Live in South? Gender Years work experience Union member Hourly wage Age Race Occupation Sector Married?
Summary Hopefully this presentation will help you understand what is Eureka and how to use Eureka. Please let us know if you have any questions. We would be glad to answer them.