AUDIENCE CENTERED Gain desired response from audience Ask yourself Whom am I speaking to? What do I want them to know? What is the best way to achieve my goal?
Know What Motivates Your Audience Self-Actualization Needs Esteem Needs Belongingness and Love Needs Safety Needs Physiological Needs
AUDIENCE ANALYSIS- PSYCHOGRAPHIC [Skinner/Grice] Attitude Taking a position Can change over time Beliefs Not based on tangible evidence Values Long lasting ideals that guides behavior
DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS Age Gender Culture ethnicity race Religion Group membership
CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS Size Setting/environment Audience relationship to topic interest knowledge of audience attitude Credibility of the speaker toward topic
OBTAINING INFORMATION- AUDIENCE Interviewing Questionnaires fixed alternative questions scale questions open ended questions
AUDIENCE ANALYSIS (During the Speech) A. Is the audience paying attention? Eye contact posture connect speech to audience
AUDIENCE ANALYSIS (During the Speech) B. Does the audience understand your message? “strange look on their face” clarify any perceived misconceptions
AUDIENCE ANALYSIS (During the Speech) C. Audience evaluation of message Does audience agree with you? Concentrate on message