Exploring new methods of route aggregation Amirali Abdullah
What is the need for this research? Volume of traffic on internet increases every year. Hence, demand on routers also increases.
So an obvious conclusion is…… Faster routers are better!!
How to provide faster routing? Possible solutions: 1)Faster hardware 2)More optimized routing paths 3)Given a fixed data structure, reduce number of keys in routing table 4)Given a fixed number of keys, produce a better data structure for lookup.
Dynamic tree and Prefix expansion method work by: Making better data structures to handle keys Underlying this, the keys (prefixes of contiguous address) remain same
What if……. Instead of optimizing the data structure….. we reduce the amount of data it has to contain?
Example: Consider prefix through to map to destination A, except If we expressed this through traditional method of common prefixes, we would have entries
PrefixDestination A A A A A A A A
So essentially to show two pieces of information, we have stored eight!! The question being: Can we come up with a method of aggregation that is more efficient? That is what I aim to find out.