A short report on Tempus project Zoran Budimac
Reminder “Joint MSc Curriculum in Software Engineering”. On September 1, started the last year of the project Participants Faculties of Science, Novi Sad and Skopje Faculties of Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Belgrade and Niš Berlin, Bilbao, and Leicester S. Stoyanov, I. Jurca
Curriculum 2 countries, 4 faculties, 2 kinds, 2 laws, reforms in motion... Basically 3 semesters, 90 ECTS points 2 semesters of lectures + final work 4 of core modules (+1?) + 4 of optional modules (+1?) Equally weighted 4 contact hours per week
Core modules Research methods (SE-C-01) Requirements engineering (SE-C-02) Architecture, design, and patterns (SE-C- 03) Software testing (SE-C-04) System integration (SE-C-05) Information system development process (SE-C-06)
Optional modules Software evolution (SE-O-01) Component-based development (SE-O-02) Formal methods engineering (SE-O-03) Software engineering for critical systems (SE-O-04) Privacy, ethics, and social responsibilities (SE-O-05) Applied system thinking (SE-O-06) Business modelling (SE-O-07) E-business (SE-O-08) Business process re-engineering (SE-O-09) Service quality management (SE-O-10) Software engineering for database systems (SE-O-11) Advanced topics in software engineering (SE-O-12)
"Overall, we think that the contents and distribution of the curriculum are reasonably well adapted to the current needs of European software industry." (page 21); "The Joint MSc Curriculum in Software Engineering comprises an ambitious and determined effort. We foresee that its implementation will allow many students to learn about current software engineering theory and practice and become competent members of the profession." (page 27); European Software Institute
In fact… Pretty extensive review (30 pages) Three kinds of suggestions To clarify some aspects / points To fill-in missing information Two substantial suggestions Student can choose to be ‘soft’ ??? Another document (ECTS, detailed module template) Intentionally
Creation of teaching materials
Adoption (variants) InstitutionDepartmentFacultyUniversityNational accreditatio n Novi Sad, Serbia OKOK, March 2006 OK, April 2006 N/A Belgrade, Serbia OKOK, May 2006 N/A Niš, SerbiaOKExpected in October 2006 Expected in November 2006 N/A Skopje, Macedonia OKOK, April 2006 Expected in September 2006
Lectures February 2007 (November 2006?) Novi Sad Guest lecturers, crash courses Guest students Course work over the semester with local staff (also using e-learning tools)
Dissemination The usual activities ACM Informatics Education Europe conference (Montpellier, Nov. 2006) TV coverage → Dissemination event, May 2007.