Basic information Name: Canada Area: km 2 Population: 33 million The capital city: Ottawa State system: Constitutional monarchy Head of state: Elizabeth ll. (UK) Division: 10 provinces and 3 territories Official languages: English, French Currency: Canadian Dollar (CAD), 1$ CAD=17,3 CZK
Inuits They originally come from the Chukotka Peninsula (Čukotka), Asia – they went through the Bering Strait and Alaska and settled down on the north of nowadays Canada (5000 years ago). Inuit’s inventions – kayak, oil lamp, igloo, anorak, parka. They lived in leather houses in the summer and in the igloos or in wooden houses in the winter. Religion – mostly shamanism and animism, now christianism. Nowadays, their traditions disappeared and Inuits have a problem with alcoholism, illiteracy and unemployment. Most common job of Inuits is border guarding, support of Canadian army and guarding of fields of diamonds and gas.
Cities Toronto (2,5 mil) Toronto is the biggest city of Canada and also the capital city of Ontario province. Toronto is located on the shore of lake Ontario. The main tourist attractions are: CN Tower, Hockey Hall of Fame, Toronto Islands, Rogers Center (Blue Jays), Casa Loma,… Not far from Toronto are Niagara Falls.
Ottawa (0,9 mil) Ottawa is the capital city of Canada and a multicultural city. About 25 percent of the city’s residents were born in other countries, and more than 20 percent of residents are minorities. Ottawa is well a known cultural and historical city with a long term tradition. There are a lot of world-class institutions in the city: the National Arts Centre, the Canadian Museum of Civilization, and the National Gallery of Canada.
Vancouver (0,5 mil) Vancouver is situated on an island in an exceptional natural environment and is often cited as one of the best cities in the world to live, work, visit or invest in. Vancouver is not the capital city of British Columbia (Victoria) province and also the third biggest city in Canada. The last Olympic Games were placed in the city and in the nearest neighborhood.
Nature Thanks to its wide variety of animal and plant species, Canada has a diverse ecosystem. Thanks to the wild, mainly in the north, many mammals that are almost extinct live here. These include the gray wolf, the brown bear, the reindeer, the moose and the beaver. According to statistics, there is twenty percent of all wilderness areas of the planet (except Antarctica) in Canada. Canadian natural areas are protected in the national and provincial parks.
Relations with the Czech Republic According to a law Czech tourists need visa to enter Canada. Canadian tourists do not have to have visa to visit the Czech Republic. A Canadian embassy in Prague was canceled, so you have to ask for visa in Vienna. Up to age 30 you can visit Canada thanks to exchange programs between Canada and the Czech Republic. Nowadays politicians discuss cancellation of a need to have visa to Canada.
Political system Constitutional monarchy with strong democratic traditions The head of the country is the queen of the United Kingdom, who has just a ceremonial role. Parliament (Legislative power) – it consists of the British monarch (de facto The Governor General) and two chambers of parliament: a) Senate – 105 members (MPs) appointed by the federal governor with mandate until the age 75 b) The House of Commons – 308 members (election every 5 years), the Speaker of the House of Commons has a title „The Honourable“ (the head of the House of Commons) and it’s the member of an opposing political party (nowadays the Conservative party has a majority but the head is from the Liberal party). Government (Executive power) – the prime minister is called „The Right Honourable“ and the ministers are called „The Honourable“ (members of the Cabinet). The Supreme Court of Canada (Judicial power) – 9 judges. Nowadays, most powerful political parties are The Liberal Party of Canada (left wing), The New Democratic Party and the The Conservative Party of Canada (right wing).