Contact between putative delta and brecciated substrate in western Eberswalde Crater Latitude/longitude: North, East Rationale: Phyllosilicate-bearing, putative delta deposits onlap older rocks interpreted as impact megabreccia. Morphology and Mineralogy: The brecciated, ridge-forming deposit contains light-toned veins and Fe-bearing phyllosilicate signatures in CRISM spectra. The light-toned, fractured, layered rocks at the terminus of the putative delta have CRISM spectra consistent with phyllosilicates and pyroxene (Milliken, 4 th MSL Workshop Presentation, 2010). What will the rover specifically do here? Characterize the composition and small-scale textures of layered rock; study the composition of light- toned veins; characterize the lithology of the brecciated substrate. Submitted by Melissa Rice