Glassy materials : definition and historical introduction I 1
THE GLASS TECHNOLOGY EMPIRICAL PROGRESS X th - XVII th CENTURIES A.D. IN EUROPE Glass and religion Stained glass windows : IX th to XVI th century and apogee while XII th - XIII th century. Coloring agents : - transition metals oxydes : Ni, Fe, Cu, Co - noble metals colloids : Au, Ag - "soap" MnO 2 Stained glass : 5 to 10 % remaining XII th : / XIII th : / Glass and science : 1280 first spectacle glasses 1609 Galileo telescope Glass and art "cristal" glasses (high n and dispersive power) First mirrors : Sn, Hg (1600) A secret industry and until XVII th century a dominant Italian industry (Venezia) SiO 2 - PbO - K 2 O (England 1620) (53) (35) (12) SiO 2 - CaO - K 2 O (Bohemia 1400) Italy
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