6/18/20021 Using Standardized Tests to Assess Computer Literacy Gloria Melara, Robert Lingard and Roberta Madison
6/18/20022 Overview What is Computer Literacy? Why is Teaching Computer Literacy Important? How can Computer Literacy be Assessed?
6/18/20023 What is Computer Literacy? There is no single definition Webopedia calls it “the level of expertise and familiarity someone has with computers... [and] the ability to use applications.” Different disciplines require different sets of knowledge and skills
6/18/20024 Why is Teaching Computer Literacy Important? Computer skills are necessary for students’ overall success at college Most careers today require some level of computer skill Many students enter college without these skills
6/18/20025 The Pilot Study The CSU Chancellor’s office requested evaluation of the TekXam instrument GE courses were used to assess the instrument Two courses were chosen - Comp 100 (4 sections) and - Journalism 100 (1 section)
6/18/20026 The Study Design Study design included a pre test and a post test Each student took one of five different modules 139 students took the pre test Only 51 of these also completed the post test
6/18/20027 Completion Rates
6/18/20028 Study Results
6/18/20029 Problems Encountered TekXam was difficult for students to use The material covered was inappropriate for Comp 100 Administration of TekXam was tedious and rigid Student participation rate was low
6/18/ TekXam Passing Rates
6/18/ Conclusions and Recommendations Assessment is needed to measure computer literacy Incentives are needed to increase student participation in assessment Better assessment tools are needed A uniform definition of computer literacy would aid in the development of an appropriate assessment tool
6/18/ Work in Progress and Future Plans A new version of TekXam was tested and the results are now being analyzed A useable definition and measurable outcomes for computer literacy (for CSU Northridge) will be developed If no appropriate assessment instrument can be found, one will be developed
6/18/ Contact Information Robert Lingard - Roberta Madison - Gloria Melara -