Re-setting the goalposts the role of sport in a modern day university
Who Are SUNEE? SUNEE DurhamNorthumbriaTeesside Newcastle Sunderland
Enhancing Sport in The North East Community Working with community groups Build relationship between Universities and Communities Employability Developing Coaching Opportunities Developing volunteering opportunities Sport Developing Athletes with High Performance Potential Increase Participation Levels
Shared vision and commitment to regional development Launched 2006 by former Sports Minister Rt Hon Richard Caborn MP Funded through the Universities, Sport England, BUCS and One North East Focus Projects = 2 nd Chance Project – HEFCE – Streetleague Enhance student experience HISTORY OF SUNEE
The HEFCE Project: Universities Engaging Local Communities Through Sport Awarded £30,000 to deliver 9 month pilot Podium Project Awarded a further £997,000 from HEFCE to run the 3 year project Project commenced April 2008 Recruited 5 Full Time Sport Development Officers Recruited 1 Part Time Administration Assistant Supported Funding for SUNEE Regional Coordinator 1 PHD Student 15 Scholars per year
HEFCE Aims: Developing and sustaining effective partnerships Increase Social Development for University students through volunteering opportunities To use the 2012 Olympics as a vehicle to engage with community groups in sport, physical activity and volunteering Strengthen links between Universities and their communities. Working with Schools, Looked After Children (LAC) and Homeless Organisations
Where are we? HEFCE Results 562 Students completed level 1 coaching awards 20 Students completed level 2 coaching awards Over 1000 student volunteering hours 1769 Homeless clients attending sessions 1376 LAC participating in sports sessions 1243 Schools involved in project 263 young volunteers 95 Partner Organisations
2 nd Chance Original SUNEE Project Working with Drug Intervention Program (DIP), Drug Action Team (DAT) and Probation Service Funded by Football Foundation and Northern Rock 8 week Football & Sport programme
STREETLEAGUE Developed in Glasgow, London and NOW ……… The North East Client base 16+ NEET Progression into Jobs, Mainstream Education & Training Structured Educational Programme Credit Reward Program
2 nd Chance Becomes Streetleague Benefits 3 Full Time Football Coaches 2 Directions To Work Officers Local, Regional and National Match days Greater media coverage Sharing of good practice Support of sister organisations
STUDENTS Experience Scholarships 3 PHD Places Coaching Qualifications Coaching experience Teaching experience Opportunity to work with hard to reach groups Opportunity to work with a variety of organisations