JFK and Domestic Issues zCivil Rights zThe War on Poverty zCamelot in Retrospect zLBJ Takes over
Birmingham Ala.
George Wallace, Gov. of Ala.
Labor Dept. Report Black unemployment 3X higher than white
Labor Dept. Report Black unemployment 3X higher than white Only 17% of blacks had white collar jobs compared to 47% of whites.
Labor Dept. Report Black unemployment 3X higher than white Only 17% of blacks had white collar jobs compared to 47% of whites. Black teens had 2X the rate of unemployment as white teens.
Labor Dept. Report Black unemployment 3X higher than white Only 17% of blacks had white collar jobs compared to 47% of whites. Black teens had 2X the rate of unemployment as white teens. Black income only 55% of white income and remaining static in the 1960s
JFK’s funeral
Pres. And Mrs. Kennedy
President Lyndon B. Johnson