NMWG GGF10 Berlin March 2004 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Network Measurements Working Group Chairs:Richard Hughes-Jones Brian Tierney NM-WG GGF10 Berlin
NMWG GGF10 Berlin March 2004 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Intellectual Property Policy uI acknowledge that participation in GGF9 is subject to the GGF Intellectual Property Policy. uIntellectual Property Notices Note Well: All statements related to the activities of the GGF and addressed to the GGF are subject to all provisions of Section 17 of GFD-C.1 (.pdf), which grants to the GGF and its participants certain licenses and rights in such statements. Such statements include verbal statements in GGF meetings, as well as written and electronic communications made at any time or place, which are addressed to: the GGF plenary session, uany GGF working group or portion thereof, uthe GFSG, or any member thereof on behalf of the GFSG, uthe GFAC, or any member thereof on behalf of the GFAC, uany GGF mailing list, including any working group or research group list, or any other list functioning under GGF auspices, uthe GFD Editor or the GWD process uStatements made outside of a GGF meeting, mailing list or other function, that are clearly not intended to be input to an GGF activity, group or function, are not subject to these provisions. uExcerpt from Section 17 of GFD-C.1 Where the GFSG knows of rights, or claimed rights, the GGF secretariat shall attempt to obtain from the claimant of such rights, a written assurance that upon approval by the GFSG of the relevant GGF document(s), any party will be able to obtain the right to implement, use and distribute the technology or works when implementing, using or distributing technology based upon the specific specification(s) under openly specified, reasonable, non-discriminatory terms. The working group or research group proposing the use of the technology with respect to which the proprietary rights are claimed may assist the GGF secretariat in this effort. The results of this procedure shall not affect advancement of document, except that the GFSG may defer approval where a delay may facilitate the obtaining of such assurances. The results will, however, be recorded by the GGF Secretariat, and made available. The GFSG may also direct that a summary of the results be included in any GFD published containing the specification. GGF Intellectual Property Policies are adapted from the IETF Intellectual Property Policies that support the Internet Standards Process.
NMWG GGF10 Berlin March 2004 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Agenda for NM-GW Meeting 10 Mar 15:30 uAgenda bashing Note Takers uHierarchy document : Richard uMilestones: Richard 10/0 uOverview of GHPN-RG work on Network Services: Franco 15/25 uProposed new Network Measurements Research Group (BoF in Hawaii?): Brian 10/35 uOverview of WS-RF and how it effects NMWG work: Ben Clifford 10/45 uSummary / current status of Request schema: Mark/Paul 15/60 uSummary status on Response schema : Dan/[Martin] 15/75 upiPEs experience with new schema: Eric/[Warren] 10/85 uSLAC experience with new schema: Eric/[Paola] 10/95
NMWG GGF10 Berlin March 2004 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Agenda for Schema Discussion Meeting 11 Mar 04 u4 Sessions: Room :30-10:00; 10:30-12:00; 14:00-15:30; 16:00-17:30 uAgenda bashing uExplain difference between document/literal SOAP vs RPC SOAP and why we care - Dan 15/0 uGeneral overview of why we are here: sample use case scenarios : Mark 15/30 uWalkthrough of Request schema: Mark/Paul 60/90 uOverview on Response schema / requirements doc : Dan/[Martin] 60/150 uAnalyze the two schemas in combination for incompatibilities and resolve 120 Include Examples: take a few common measurements, e.g. ping, iperf, host cpu/mem, some SNMP counters describe some sample inputs/outputs for each. uAnd if there is still time: Begin work on the "development guide". ( 30 min?) Include a Test suite: pick some combinations of inputs/expected-outputs that would indicate an "interoperable" implementation. Try to hit some of the "edge" cases with time ranges, parameter values, etc.
NMWG GGF10 Berlin March 2004 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Status of the Hierarchy Document u“A Hierarchy of Network Performance Characteristics for Grid Applications and Services” uDocument defines terms & relations: Network characteristics Measurement methodologies Observation uDiscusses Nodes & Paths uFor each Characteristic Defines the meaning Attributes that SHOULD be included Issues to consider when making an observation uStatus: Originally submitted to GFSG as Community Practice Document draft-ggf-nmwg-hierarchy-01.pdf Jul 2003 Revised to Proposed Recommendation draft-ggf-nmwg-hierarchy-02.pdf 7 Jan 04 Now in 60 day Public comment from 28 Jan 04 – 18 days to go. See
NMWG GGF10 Berlin March 2004 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester NM-WG Milestones – as of GGF9 uJun 2003Detailed discussion of Schemas document uJun 2003 GGF 8 Seattle uJul 2003 Submit hierarchy document to GFSG uOct 2003Draft of Schema document uOct 2003Set of Use Case queries uOct 2003Draft XML uOct 2003f2f discussion on XML and Schema uOct 2003 GGF 9 Chicago uDec 3003Agreed version of Schema document (data model) uJan 2003Create XML Schema Input and Output uXxx 2003?? OGSI Spec. ?? uXxx 2004Initial implementations and Proof of Concept Demos uFeb 2004 GGF 10 Berlin uJan 2003Refine XML Schema Input and Output uXxx 2004Implementations and Proof of Concept Demos uJun 2004 GGF 11 Hawaii
NMWG GGF10 Berlin March 2004 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester NM-WG Milestones uJuly 2002 GGF 5 Edinburgh uJul 2002Begin work on tools classification uOct 2002 GGF 6 Chicago uOct 2002Near-final draft of characteristics hierarchy document to GFSG uMar 2003 GGF 7 Tokyo uMar 2003Finish work on tools classification web page uMar 2003Begin work on schema document uJun 2003 GGF 8 Seattle uApr 2003 Submit hierarchy document to GFSG uJul 2003 Submit hierarchy document to GFSG uOct 2003Draft of Schema document uNov 2003Draft of Schema document uOct 2003 GGF 9 Chicago uMar 2004 GGF 10 Berlin uJun 2004 GGF 11 Hawaii uJun 2004Submit schema document to GFSG Blue = GGF Milestones
NMWG GGF10 Berlin March 2004 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester NM-WG Milestones – GGF10 ** uOct 2003Draft of Schema document uOct 2003Set of Use Case queries uOct 2003Draft XML uOct 2003f2f discussion on XML and Schema uOct 2003 GGF 9 Chicago uDec 3003Agreed version of Schema document (data model) uJan 2003Create XML Schema Request & Report/Response uXxx 2003?? OGSI Spec. ?? uJan 2004Initial implementations and Proof of Concept Demos uMar 2004 GGF 10 Berlin uApr 2004Finish v2 of XML Schema request & response uXxx 2004Match with Requirements doc. uApr 2004Draft request and response of Metadata uXxx 2004Implement XML-RPC and Document/Literal PoC uXxx 2004Test implementations and Proof of Concept Demos uJun 2004 GGF 11 Hawaii uJun 2004NM_RG BoF uJun 2004Submit schema document to GFSG Blue = GGF Milestones
NMWG GGF10 Berlin March 2004 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Getting Involved in NMWG uNetwork Measurements Working Group (NMWG) is part of the Performance and Information Systems area. uMailing list is uWeb-pages: uJoin mailing list and participate Send an to with the body "subscribe nm-wg"
NMWG GGF10 Berlin March 2004 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Agenda for NM-GW Meeting 10 Mar 15:30 uAgenda bashing Note Takers uHierarchy document : Richard uMilestones: Richard 10/0 uOverview of GHPN-RG work on Network Services: Franco 15/25 uProposed new Network Measurements Research Group (BoF in Hawaii?): Brian 10/35 uOverview of WS-RF and how it effects NMWG work: Ben Clifford 10/45 uSummary / current status of Request schema: Mark/Paul 15/60 uSummary status on Response schema : Dan/[Martin] 15/75 upiPEs experience with new schema: Eric/[Warren] 10/85 uSLAC experience with new schema: Paola 10/95
NMWG GGF10 Berlin March 2004 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester
NMWG GGF10 Berlin March 2004 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester NM-WG Milestones – GGF8 uOct 2002Finalize tools classification format (and writeup) uOct 2002Begin work on relationship document uMar 2003 GGF 7 Tokyo uMar 2002Finalize hierarchy document uMar 2003Finalize tools classification note / web pages uMar 2003Begin work on Schemas document web page uApr 2003Submit hierarchy document to GFSG uMay 2003Submit tools classification to GFSG as web pages? uJun 2003Hierarchy document in internal NMWG Final Call uJun 2003Detailed discussion of Schemas document uJun 2003 GGF 8 Seattle uJun 2003 Submit hierarchy document to GFSG uOct 2003Draft of Schemas document – f2f discussion uXxx 2003?? Possible Joint Meeting / BOF to get OGSI input ?? uOct 2003 GGF 9 Chicago uXxx 2003?? Create XLM Schema / OGSI Spec. ?? uFeb 2004 GGF 10 Frankfurt