Healthy Mind Project Leon Patnett Careers Wales Cardiff and Vale Social Inclusion Business Manager 1
Introduction The Social Inclusion team in Cardiff consists of 4 teams who work with Young People Not In education Training or Employment: -Pre 16 Youth Gateway (Part funded by Cymorth) -Post 16 Youth Gateway -Youth Gateway at the Youth Offending Team -Learning Coach Team (Part funded by Cymorth) Overarching aim of the teams is to identify, engage and progress NEET young people into sustainable learning or employment opportunities whilst offering personal support. 2
Client Characteristics Literacy and numeracy 458 Confidence 546 Self Esteem519 Motivation 516 Homeless 44 Pregnant/Young parent 25 Offending Behaviour 121 Ill health/mental health 56 Social service support 82 Drug alcohol issues 74 Leaving Care 47 Long term school exclusion 67 3 The Social Inclusion team works with young people a year. Initial referral information and diagnostic identify the following support needs.
Children and Young Peoples Partnership Healthy Mind Worker for Young People who are not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) 1
Background The gap in the Mental Health provision for unemployed or NEET Young People aged years old, had long been identified in Cardiff. Funded by Cymorth via the Emotional Health and Wellbeing Core Group, a project was identified with the aim of improving the emotional and mental health of NEET Young People in order to enable them to engage in Education, Employment or Training. In January 2011, through working in partnership with Careers Wales, the Health Service and the Local Authority, a Mental Health Nurse - ( Healthy Mind Worker) - was appointed to support the needs of these Young People. 2
Healthy Mind Worker Based at 33 Charles Street, Cardiff, CF10 2GA. Assesses the Emotional and Mental Health needs of NEET Young People. Identifies areas of concern and formulates an individual action plan for each NEET Young Person. Develops a Healthy Mind Action Plan to address areas of concern, risk and /or deficit that are contributing to the Young Person not being able to engage in Employment, Education or Training. Provides interventions for e.g. Anxiety management, CBT social skills training etc. Where necessary, provides referrals to appropriate services for e.g. Adult Mental Health Service, CAMHS, GP, Voluntary agencies etc. Monitors progress and outcomes. Ensures the Young People with Emotional and Mental Health problems have a correct diagnosis and appropriate interventions. Acts as Coordinator to ensure any transitions into Statutory, Voluntary, Training, Education or Employment is seamless. 3
Sharon Jones Registered Mental Health Nurse. Diploma in Professional Practice. Specialist area CAMHS. Extensive experience of working within Hospital and Community settings. Senior Nurse on Inpatient General Admission Ward (Mental Health) for years old. Emergency Assessment Nurse. Previous experience within Substance Misuse, Older persons, Criminal Justice and Forensic areas. 4
Statistical Information Referrals: Number of Referrals received to date is 72 Reasons for Referral: Anger Anxiety Depression Poor self esteem Low confidence Eating Issue Self image Substance misuse Self Harm 5
Specialist Services Accessed GP - 17 CAMHS - 4 YPDAS - 3 Social Services - 6 Police - 1 NHS - A&E /SALT/Other 4 Adult Mental Health Services 4 Voluntary Agencies
Criteria for Referral All Young People aged who are not engaged in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) Concerns with Emotional, Mental Health Wellbeing Live in Cardiff 7
Case Study - 1 Referrer - Youth Gateway – Young Person referred for anger issues. Assessment arranged for the following day. Four further appointments were arranged and attended. During these appointments, it was identified that there appeared to be some difficulties with the Young Person’s ability to read. This was explored further and the Young Person entered Learning for Life Programme. Young Person then experienced illness within the family and cancelled her next appointment. However, she remains in occasional contact via SMS text message should she require additional support. File opened – 11 th February Entered Education/Training – 8 th March 2011 File closed – 10 th March
Case Study 2 Referral received from CAMHS via Allocation Meeting from locum GP. Young person with low mood/low self esteem presented at GP surgery, no other symptoms. Young person assessed by Healthy Mind Worker and action plan agreed. Young person also referred into Careers Wales-Learning Coaches for additional support in accessing Employment Education or Training (ETE). Young person also referred to Amber Project to help with self esteem issues. Healthy Mind Worker liaises with GP to monitor mood and provide feedback on any progress. Identified at Assessment some issues within the family so consent gained and family also involved in the overall action plan of supporting young person back into ETE. Young person attends Healthy Mind appointments to provide structure support and ongoing interventions to aid in addressing issues identified at assessment. 9
Contact Details 33, Charles Street, Cardiff CF10 2GA - Telephone – Office Mobile Fax
Benefits to date Provision of a service that comprehensively and holistically assess all NEET Young People in all aspects of their Emotional wellbeing. Provision of an identified point of contact when difficulties/issues occur. Working in unison with the Young Person to raise awareness and develop knowledge of individual issues. Providing a sense of ownership for person centred care. Establishing links with GPs, NHS and other agencies. Liaison with age appropriate services. Establishing links and joint working with professionals involved with Young Person. Young People accessing Education/Training that is identified as more individual need specific. In some cases, provision of intensive support has reduced the anticipated length of time required to address Young People issues. 11
Any Questions ? ’s 12
Thank you all for attending 13