A European Year Equal Opportunities for All Presentation at the Athena Annual International Conference in Budapest 1-3 June 2007 Martha Franken director.


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Presentation transcript:

A European Year Equal Opportunities for All Presentation at the Athena Annual International Conference in Budapest 1-3 June 2007 Martha Franken director

Contents Backgroundinformation Backgroundinformation Goals and Objectives Goals and Objectives Actions at EU level Actions at EU level Targetgroup for Actions Targetgroup for Actions Guidelines for national Actions Guidelines for national Actions National Actions…. National Actions….

“Towards a just society” Why 2007 ? –Year of transition for EU –In 2007 all anti-discrimination acts need to be transposed into national legislation –10 years since EU Year against Racism Solution to challenges : a EU Year Green paper 2004 : Equality and non- discrimination in an enlarged Europe –Call for awareness-raising initiatives to Challenge discriminatory attitudes and behaviour Informing people about legal rights and obligations

“Towards a just society” Convergence with Lisbon strategic objectives : difficult to achieve Social Agenda Persistent inequalities Social cohesion : ageing society/migration and labour market

Goals and Objectives Generally : awareness-raising Generally : awareness-raising Specific : 4 R’s : Specific : 4 R’s : RightsRights RepresentationRepresentation RecognitionRecognition RespectRespect

Actions at EU level Budget : euro of which 7.65 mio for national action plans. Budget : euro of which 7.65 mio for national action plans. Meetings and events Meetings and events Information and promotioncampaign Information and promotioncampaign Research : 2 eurobarometersurveys Research : 2 eurobarometersurveys

Targetgroups for Actions Complement the information campaign “For Diversity, Against Discrimination” all 6 discrimination grounds Complement the information campaign “For Diversity, Against Discrimination” all 6 discrimination grounds Multiple discriminationMultiple discrimination Gender mainstreamingGender mainstreaming Wider public and not only stakeholders; Looking for organisations that can bring about changes like : schools, media,.. Wider public and not only stakeholders; Looking for organisations that can bring about changes like : schools, media,..

Guidelines for National Actions National Implementation Bodies National Implementation Bodies 1 grant per country 1 grant per country Budget 7.65 mio = average of euro per country Budget 7.65 mio = average of euro per country National Action Plans National Action Plans All 6 discrimination grounds art. 13 Treaty of Amsterdam. All 6 discrimination grounds art. 13 Treaty of Amsterdam. Civil Society and Stakeholders Civil Society and Stakeholders Multiple discriminations and gender mainstreaming Multiple discriminations and gender mainstreaming 50 % grant and co-financing 50 % grant and co-financing

National Action Plans Meetings and Events Meetings and Events Information- promotion and educational campaigns Information- promotion and educational campaigns Research projects Research projects