Department of Mathematical Sciences
40 Faculty 39 Graduate Students Approximately 80 Undergraduate Students
Applied Mathematics Statistics Combinatorics Mathematics Education Research Areas
Applied Mathematics
Prof. Franz Tanner Computational Engine Research Modeling of flow, spray and combustion processes
Spray Pattern Modeling
Fuel mass fraction of an evaporating spray Collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory
Simulation of three- nozzle spray pattern Numerical approach Visualization of dispersion
Prof. Kathleen Feigl Simulation of flow of complex fluids Collaborations with ETH-Zurich and University of Tennessee
Calculated velocity field of multi-toothed rotor-stator dispersing device Complex flow field produced within gaps
Models incorporate relevant physics of fluid systems and processes Drop shapes calculated along the trajectory
Model results of droplet formation compared with experimental data
Prof. John Beckwith Statistical Applications in Transportation Research
Prof. Beckwith and Civil Engineering PhD student Baron Colbert Quantification of friction properties of worn paving materials Develop models to reduce testing requirements
Prof. Tom Drummer Population studies for moose, wolves and sharp-tail grouse in U.P. Aerial Observation
Moose survey conducted at 500 ft altitude over 1600 sq. mile area Model developed to yield probability of sighting animals
5 Faculty 2 Post – docs 9 PhD Students Support from NIH and NSF Statistical Genetics Group
Statistical Genetics Prof. Quiying Sha PhD Student Elena Kasyanova
Development of new computational and statistical tools Primary focus is analysis and interpretation of genomic data
Concentration on complex human diseases Key activities –Functional gene mapping –Pedigree analysis –Genetic diversity
Teaching and Instructional Resources
Prof. Allan Struthers Graduate Student Yejun Gong Excellent faculty accessibility
Dr. Ghan Bhatt teaches an introductory calculus course Typical calculus class size is ~ 50 students
Beth Reed uses document camera in statistics lecture Math classrooms renovated in 2006 Rooms equipped with latest audio-visual tools
Teaching Assistant Rachel Robertson works with a student in the Mathlab Calculus courses include laboratory component to reinforce lectures
Tutoring session in the Math Learning Center Walk-in assistance or appointments with regular tutors
Math Learning Center open 6 days per week Students teach students