SUMER Operations from MEDOC Multi Experiment Data and Operation Centre Solar UV Measurements of Emitted Radiation
Since 1997, in agreement with the PIs through the SWT, 2 week observation campaigns are organised twice a year at MEDOC: A campaign offers the capabilities to operate SOHO instruments from Europe, in collaboration with ground-based observatories. 14 campaigns have been organised at MEDOC already Philippe plays a major role in campaigns as THE SUMER expert in France (but a shy expert !).
SUMER Commanding from MEDOC Requires : SUMER planner who : has to contact the Campaigners and the observation leaders, has to fill the Daily planning Philippe participated in 14 MEDOC campaigns and 4 SUMER mini-campaigns as the SUMER planner SUMER studies writer who : has to write the Observations routines in the instrument language, Philippe wrote more than 415 studies for hundreds of JOPs A large part of the european solar community should thank Philippe for having performed their SUMER observations.
JOP 104 Sending the commands : requires organization !
Be careful, Klaus : X is in fact named Y and Y is named -Z Mein Gott ! Checking the SUMER parameters in real time Grr ! « Allo, it is Stein from EOF; Philippe, there is a pause now, until 2:00 UT ! Sorry ! » The « good » surprises of the SUMER Commanding…
Wednesday, November 17 18:15 UT Philippe is sending his last command to SUMER…
Ladies and Gentlemen, for the first time of the SUMER life, the Lyman Alpha line on the central Part of the detector AND on the disk ! Scientist : Philippe Lemaire Spectrum of the last Philippe’s observation :