Prepared By Prof Alvin So1 SOSC 188 Lecture 4 Modernization (IV): Academic Critiques
Prepared By Prof Alvin So2 Basic Assumptions of the Modernization School Unilinear Development What Really is Traditional Methodological Problems of Modernization School
Prepared By Prof Alvin So3 Basic Assumptions of the Modernization School Evolutionary assumptions - Unilinear development: all nations move along the same path Western nations move faster, the third world moves slower Functionalist assumptions – society is a social system of coherent values traditional values are incompatible with modern values search for a critical variable to increase modern values
Prepared By Prof Alvin So4 Unilinear Development? Unilinear assumption is ethnocentric - assume Western forms are inevitable or superior Multi-linear development, the third world has a choice of paths The possibility of non-development for third world nations
Prepared By Prof Alvin So5 What Really is Traditional? Is tradition a set of homogeneous and harmonious values? Are traditional values and modern values mutually exclusive? Have traditional values be displaced by social change?
Prepared By Prof Alvin So6 Methodological Problems of Modernization School Only logical deductions, little empirical research Lack of before-after historical research