Fruit and Vegetable and Breast Cancer Publication Smith-Warner, S.A., et al. Intake of fruits and vegetables and risk of breast cancer: A pooled analysis of cohort studies. JAMA :
Sweden Mammography Cohort Nurses’ Health Study Netherlands Cohort Study New York State Cohort Iowa Women’s Health Study Canadian National Breast Screening Study Adventist Health Study New York University Women’s Health Study Studies in the Pooled Analysis of Fruits and Vegetables and Breast Cancer Total = 351,825 # cases = 7,377
Cohort Studies in the Pooled Analysis of Fruits and Vegetables and Breast Cancer Study Baseline # of Cohort Cases Adventist Health 15, Canadian National 56, Iowa Women’s 34, Netherlands Cohort 62, New York State 18, New York University 14, Nurses’ Health (a) 89, Nurses’ Health (b) 68, Sweden Mammography 61, Smith-Warner, et al. 2001
Median Intakes (g/d) Among Control Participants Study Total Total Fruits Vegetables Adventist Health Canadian National Iowa Women’s Netherlands Cohort New York State New York University Nurses’ Health (a) Nurses’ Health (b) Sweden Mammography Smith-Warner, et al. 2001
Pooled Multivariate Relative Risks for Breast Cancer and Fruits and Vegetables (ref) 1.00 (ref) ( ) 0.99 ( ) ( ) 0.97 ( ) ( ) 0.96 ( ) p for trend p for hetero Quartile Total Fruits Total Vegetables RR (95% CI) RR (95% CI) Smith-Warner, et al. 2001
Pooled Multivariate Relative Risks of Breast Cancer and Total Fruits and Vegetables Smith-Warner, et al Relative Risk Quartile of Intake
Study-Specific Relative Risks of Breast Cancer and Total Fruits Relative Risk Combined Sweden Nurses' (b) Nurses' (a) NY University NY State Netherlands Iowa Canada Adventist Smith-Warner, et al. 2001
Study-Specific Relative Risks of Breast Cancer and Total Vegetables Relative Risk Combined Sweden Nurses' (b) Nurses' (a) NY University NY State Netherlands Iowa Canada Adventist Smith-Warner, et al. 2001
Pooled Multivariate Relative Risks of Breast Cancer and Botanically Defined Groups Group Examples RR (95% CI) Cruciferae Broccoli, cabbage 0.96 ( ) Leguminosae Beans, peas 0.97 ( ) Rosaceae Apples, peaches 0.97 ( ) Rutaceae Grapefruits, oranges 0.99 ( ) Solanacea Potatoes, tomatoes 1.02 ( ) Increment=100 g/d Smith-Warner, et al. 2001
Pooled Multivariate Relative Risks of Breast Cancer and Specific Foods Food RR (95% CI) Apples, pears 0.97 ( ) Bananas 1.00 ( ) Oranges, tangerines 0.98 ( ) Broccoli 0.86 ( ) Carrots 0.95 ( ) Lettuce 0.93 ( ) Increment = 100g/d Smith-Warner, et al. 2001
Pooled Multivariate Relative Risks of Breast Cancer and F & V by Menopausal Status Multi RR (95% CI) p-for - (increment=100 g/d) interaction Total fruits Premeno ( ) Postmeno ( )0.80 Total vegetables Premeno ( ) Postmeno ( )0.54 Total fruits and vegetables Premeno ( ) Postmeno ( )0.57 Smith-Warner, et al. 2001