1 Overview The following slides and notes have been prepared as a guide to preparing your presentation for the Postgraduate Research Festival. You might like to use the slides as templates or design your own from scratch. You may also find it helpful to ask your supervisor for feedback on the form and content of your presentation. External students unable to attend the Festival in person are required to submit an e-presentation i.e. a PowerPoint presentation submitted via . The presentation will be made available for viewing throughout the Festival. The Festival Committee acknowledges HSCNet and Robert Dale for allowing us to use and adapt their template for Festival 2007.
2 Project Title Your Name Supervisor’s Name 6 Key Words Insert your photo here (optional)
3 Background 1 Include material here that sets the context and rationale for your research Target the text for a broad audience - fellow researchers who are not necessarily in your field Keep the text simple Bulleted lists are effective
4 Background 2 Ideas from references, literature in the area Previous research findings - yours or others Main theories underpinning the study Motivation for your study Thesis progress
5 Aims, Research Question Provide a clear statement of the aims and hypotheses of your project and/or the research question that your project is addressing (see notes below) On the design side of things…try to keep the text succinct and the font large (e.g., 28 point)
6 Method The methods used in different disciplines differ but you might include: –Variables; Participants; Stimuli; Equipment; Procedure OR –Model parameters and training, OR –Framework for analysis, etc. –(see notes below)
7 Results 1 Results may include: – Statistical tests – Outcomes – Performance of model – Comparison with other models – Evaluation results – Summary of trends or patterns –(see notes below)
8 Results 2 Don’t forget to include figures, graphs or tables of your results Present only enough data to make your point
9 Conclusions Provide an interpretation of your results here What are the implications of the results for: –Theory –Applications –Further research
10 Contact Details (Your Name) Your address (optional – delete this slide if you decide not to include contact details)