Visual Screen: Transforming an Ordinary Screen into a Touch Screen Zhengyou Zhang & Ying Shan Vision Technology Group Microsoft Research
Motivation Transform an ordinary screen into a touch screen using an ordinary camera
Configuration Position a camera so it can see the whole screen
Fingertip Tracker Action Detector & Event Generator Mouse Events Video Input Visual Screen Fingertip Detector Homography Mapping Screen Detection Virtual Touch Screen Non-flatness correction Calibration The System
System Diagram
Calibration Mapping from image coordinate to the screen coordinate Homography if the screen is flat More accurate method required when the screen is curved
Plane Plus Residue Flow H
The actual screen coordinate can be found by the homography corrected by an interpolated residue vector Mapping
Plane Plus Residual Flow Before correction After correction Original calibration points Reprojected image points
Segmentation Images of screen pixels have some degrees of invariance in the color space Compute a color model for the screen without the indicator Compute a color model for the indicator Use standard Bayes classifier to segment the indicator from the screen background
Segmentation Before segmentation After segmentation
Locate the Finger Tip Initial location from horizontal histogram Fit the centerline of the finger Finger tip is the intersection of the centerline and the segment boundary
Experiments: Draw Bubbles for Fish
Experiments: Barney Under the Sea
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